Occupational Therapy Association of Californa

School-Based Practice Credential Initiative

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The Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) and California Physical Therapy Association (CPTA) Service Credential Initiative support a process for occupational therapists (OT) and physical therapists (PT) to obtain credential status with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). OTs and PTs are the only Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) professional services not eligible for a credential.

For the 2024 legislative cycle, OTAC is co-sponsoring AB 2725 which would allow OTs and PTs to pursue administrative credentials in the school system. This bill would allow access to leadership and administrative roles for pediatric occupational therapists practicing in the schools and represents a critical first step towards increased professional equity and opportunity.

For more information, please review our Frequently Asked Questions, where we will be posting updates about the bill status as well as opportunities for advocacy.

Do you have questions? Send us a message.


OTAC CPTA Services Credential Initiative History - CTC + Stakeholders | download

OT Credentialing History | download


ARTICLE 4. Credential Types [44250 - 44277] ( Article 4 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. ) | access


How You Can Help
Build awareness of the benefits of an OT PT Services Credential among colleagues, administrators, and agencies.
Share Credential Initiative Information (Meet in person, send letters, email) to LEA Administrators, CTC Members, SELPA Directors, Legislators, Union Representatives

OT/PT Credential Fact Sheet | download


California Legislators | California State Assembly | California Representative

California SELPA Information | https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/as/caselpas.asp

Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/commission/commissioners

CSEA Union Representatives | https://csea.com/get-connected/contact-us


IDEA Related Services Definition of Occupational Therapy | Section 300.34 https://sites.ed.gov/idea/regs/b/a/300.34

Guidelines for OT and PT in CA Public Schools | https://www.bot.ca.gov/forms_pubs/otpot_guidelines...

AOTA Fact Sheets School-Based Practice

STUDENT DATA- Documentation of the Need for OT and PT
Education Data | access

Special Education Data | access
State Performance Plan Data | access