Occupational Therapy Association of Californa

Nominations Ad Hoc

We have implemented a new membership management database. Please note that your login has changed. Look for an email in your inbox or spam folder form shannon(at)otaconline.org for your new login credentials. If you experience any issues, please let us know at shannon(at)otaconline.org. We will respond Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.


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Committee Chair

Jessica De Brun

Jessica De Brun, OTD, MOT, OTR/L

Committee Purpose

To conduct the elections; of OTAC officers and regional directors.

Committee General Functions
  • To invite interested members to serve the Association.
  • To request recommendations from members for names to be considered for nomination.
  • To determine the eligibility of nominees and prepare a list of candidates for all elective offices to be filled. Write-in candidates may be allowed provided they meet the qualifications as stated in the bylaws.
  • To secure the consent of nominees prior to placing names on the ballot.
  • To arrange for the distribution, receipt, and tally of ballots by impartial, nonmember personnel.
  • To notify all candidates about the results of the election prior to reporting such results to the membership.
  • To function on call if an emergency election is required during the term of office.
Committee Resources