Occupational Therapy Association of Californa

OTAC Continuing Education Center

We have implemented a new membership management database. Please note that your login has changed. Look for an email in your inbox or spam folder form shannon@otaconline.org for your new login credentials. If you experience any issues, please let us know at shannon@otaconline.org. We will respond Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.


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Calendar of Events

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Continuing Education Center

OTAC's Continuing Education Center is under the guidance of OTAC's Professional Development and Leadership Committee. The Committee's purpose is to provide leadership, coordination, and support for quality continuing education of occupational therapy practitioners including leadership, mentoring, and training.

OTAC: Commitment to Continued Competency and Lifelong Learning


OTAC Annual Conference. November 6-9 2025, CA | Pasadena, CA

This is the premier professional development conference in the Western United States. Held every October, this Conference features high quality speakers offering the latest occupationally-centered, evidence-based practices. In addition, the Conference offers a variety of ways for you to connect with old friends and to make new friends, collaborate with your colleagues on new ideas, and celebrate the profession. Activities include an exhibit hall with opportunities to win prizes and discover new OT products and services and to meet with recruiters, Awards Ceremony, Annual Business Meeting and Breakfast with a featured presenter, Alumni and Student Receptions, CFOT Luncheon and Symposium, Keynote Address, and more. Earn professional development units. Members receive discounted rates. Visit the Annual Conference page for more information.

Western Regional OT Spring Symposium. Date and Time TBA

This bi-annual symposium held in the spring is an easy and convenient opportunity to earn high quality professional development units from well-respected California-based occupational therapy practitioners. As with the Annual Conference, this symposium also focuses on offering the latest occupationally-centered, evidence-based practices. Earn professional development units. Members receive discounted rates. Visit the Spring Symposium page for more information.

On Demand Virtual Learning

Access list of available taped sessions, podcasts, webinars, and PowerPoints.


California Foundation for Occupational Therapy (CFOT). The Foundation offers scholarships, traineeships, and grants to OTAC members. The scholarship application deadline is annually on March 31 and the grant application deadlines is annually on June 30. For traineeships, request an application from the director of occupational therapy assistants' program where you are enrolled. Learn more at www.cfot.org.

MyOTLicense is a secure, web-based, easy-to-use virtual information and management tracking tool to help occupational therapy practitioners manage their professional information: licenses, certificates, memberships, professional development. You can think of MyOTLicense as your professional virtual electronic filing cabinet.

  • Ready to get started using MyOTLicense? View your MyOTLicense profile. Please note that you will use the same email address and password to log in that you use for the OTAC website.
  • This service is FREE to OTAC members. Nonmembers can purchase a subscription for $25 annually.
  • Want to learn more about MyOTLicense? Read our FAQs.
  • Want to see a demonstrations of MyOTLicense? View the 15-minute video below for a demo on how to use MyOTLicense.

MyOTLicense a Powerful Tool for OT

A New Way to Track Your PDUs

MyOTLicense Demonstration

Still have questions about MyOTLicense. Please contact us at myotlicense@otaconline.org. Please allow one business day for a response.