Culturally Sensitive OT and the Sikh Faith - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Presented by: Vikram Pagpatan, M.S, OTR/L, CLA, ATP, CAS, BCTS, EdDc
The presentation will highlight the community perspectives, values, roles, customs, and cultural significance of the Sikh faith (Asian-American/Desi-American) within everyday meaningful activities from an occupational therapy perspective and will highlight culturally sensitive approaches to care and intervention. Objectives: To analyze the occupational identities/roles/values of individuals who identify themselves as Punjabis; To discuss healthcare approaches in communication, evaluation, and occupational therapy intervention-based strategies from a cultural sensitivity approach when addressing the needs of individuals who follow the Sikh faith; To raise awareness on best practice strategies for incorporating cultural competencies into occupational therapy practice & principles of social justice when addressing the needs of Asians. - 5/2022
Impact: Experiences of Black Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy
Students - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
by OTAC President Bryant Edwards, OTD, MA, OTR/L, BCP, MPH
Panelists include Zipporah Brown, OTD, OTR/L; Enjoli Filemu, OTD, OTR/L, CPAM; Lynette Ingram,
OTR/L, SWAL, CLE; Porsche Fowlkes-Arthurs, MOT, OTR/L
Join us for a panel discussion from our Black colleagues as they share their experiences in the work
and educational settings, and the impact it has had on them as professionals and within their practice.
At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees will be able to: 1) Articulate the impact of racism in
occupational therapy practice, 2) Articulate the impact of racism in occupational therapy education, 3)
Reflect on their roles in deconstructing racism in their own settings.
- 8/2020
Racial Bias and Occupational Therapy - Complimentary members/$15
nonmembers - 1 PDU
Presented by Alaa Abou-Arab, OTD,
This presentation will include 1) the importance of research in racial bias given the current climate we
are living in; 2) definition of microaggressions (implicit racial bias) and how implicit biases are
manifested in the workplace (i.e. microaggressions); 3) how implicit biases are perceived as trauma
to people of color and other marginalized communities; and 4) the impact racial bias can have and
has had on our profession, from the university curriculum, the practice framework, and clinics.
Welcome by OTAC Region 2 Director Rani Waterman, OTD, OTR/L, AMPS.
- 7/2020
Confronting and Addressing Systemic Racism: Living Occupational Therapy Through Ubuntu - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Frank Kronenberg, PhD, BScOT, BAEd; Elelwani Ramugondo, PhD
Never before has systemic racism been called out globally as inherently dehumanizing and genocidal, with Black Lives Matter leading international outrage against racially motivated police brutality. Yet, from the Global South, there has been a long trajectory of theorizing around what it means to be human, and how occupational therapy can give language and provide exemplars for a decolonial healing practice.
- 10/2020
OT Resilience in the Age of Disruption - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 0.75 PDUs
Michael Iwama, PhD, MSc, BScOT, BScHP (Massachusetts/USA); Frank Kronenberg, PhD, BScOT, BA Ed (Cape Town/South Africa)
Disruption is often defined as that which causes radical change. This past year our country – and the world – has certainly experienced disruption. Last year these two keynote co-presenters and OT disruptors in their own right met on stage as provocateurs to inspire us to be positive disruptors in our practice settings – to reinvent our profession to face the future. Join us for this fireside chat as Michael and Frank reflect on the profession’s resilience in the face of disruption.
- 3/2021
Occupational Therapy and Gun Violence: A Discussion on Population Impact, Occupational Therapy Practitioners' Perceptions, and Implications for Practice - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Presented by:Ashley Ellsworth, OTD, OTR/L; and Bridget Scheidler, EdD, OTR/L, CAP
Learning objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to identify common areas of occupational impact that victims of mass shootings experience, By the end of the session, participants will be able to consider a role for occupational therapy practitioners in working with victims of mass shootings, By the end of the session, participants will be able identify the impact mass shootings have on the implications for OT education and practice. - 6/2022
Reflections for Better Clinical Practice Series | Two Topic - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Topic 1: Trauma-Informed Approaches in Mental Health Settings
Presented by: Karina Phan (she/her), Doctor of Occupational Therapy Student
Topic 1 Objectives: Facilitate reflection and discussion on current clinical practice; Bridge the gap - connecting theory to practice under real-life circumstances; Connect practitioners of all levels with the incoming generation of new practitioners; Connect individuals with others of similar interests and passions; Promote an OTAC community of lifelong learners; Strengthen commitment to the supporting organizations and groups for occupational therapy practice.
Topic 2: Creating an Evaluation and Treatment Protocol for Essential Tremor in the Outpatient Setting
Presented by: Britney Cariño, MA, OTD, OTR/L; Leanna Namovic, MA, OTD, OTR/L
Topic 2 Objectives: Facilitate reflection and discussion on current clinical practice; Bridge the gap - connecting theory to practice under real-life circumstances; Connect practitioners of all levels with the incoming generation of new practitioners; Connect individuals with others of similar interests and passions; Promote an OTAC community of lifelong learners; Strengthen commitment to the supporting organizations and groups for occupational therapy practice.
- 3/2022
Concussion Management and Treatment: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Shannon Westerberg, MA, OTR/L; Madison Harris, OTD, MA, OTR/L
To describe the role and demonstrate the value of occupational therapists working on a multidisciplinary concussion care team. To detail evaluation and intervention methods used with this population.
- 4/2020
Polyvage Therapy: The Integration into Emotions, Attachment, and Self-Regulation - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers – 1 PDU
Peg Bledsoe, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
The Polyvagal Theory and treatment may have a major impact on how a therapist perceives clients of any age. The discernment is imperative for the current physiological and neurophysiological mechanism to reveal underlying arousal that are associated with sympathetic nervous systems and human responses. Dr. Porges has been researching this topic with focus on understanding the impact on human beings since 1983. He evaluates the various aspects of social modulation, and safe or not safe mechanisms of drive self-modulations. In sensory integration we view modulations issues with the Polyvagal system that Dr. Porges and has discovered major influences on effect the nervous system. The theoretical information provides insight for a therapist regarding the behavioral, attachment, emotional, and Self-Regulation of our clients. The introduction presentation of the Polyvagal theory encompasses structure and theory that support self-regulations. The theory expands on the information to support sensory integration with other perspectives in the clients that we administer too, and even for our own selves for regulation.
- 5/2020
Infants At-risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Early Identification and Intervention Studies from the insp!re Lab - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Grace Baranek, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Associate Dean and Chair, USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
This talk will describe approaches and challenges to early identification and intervention for infants who may be at risk for a later diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), highlighting current research from the insp!re lab team. This presentation will showcase the importance of two key developmental domains -- social-communication and sensory reactivity and regulatory functions -- as behavioral markers for early screening in the first year of life, as well as targets of parent-mediated interventions. Video excerpts from the “Parents and Infants Engaged; PIE” study, funded by NICHD, will be used to demonstrate application of these principles in a model program for infants and their caregivers within the context of home activities and routines.
- 9/2020
Improve Balance, Endurance and Confidence – Innovative Use of Evidence-based ACTIVATOR Poles (specialized Nordic walking poles) in Factors Related to Fall Prevention – Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Mandy Shintani, OT (CAN), MA-Gerontology
Outline: Review current Nordic walking and Activator research related to fall prevention; Highlight the positive outcomes of specialized walking poles as an effective option to canes and reduce/delay the use of walkers when appropriate; Review the Activator technique for stability and off-loading; Demonstrate seated and standing exercises for improving strength and balance.
- 4/2020
Innovative Use of Nordic Walking Poles for OT Intervention for Patients with Stroke and Parkinson’s – Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers – 1 PDU
Mandy Shintani, OT (CAN), MA-Gerontology
Specialized Nordic walking poles designed by an occupational therapy practitioner called ACTIVATOR Walking Poles have been prescribed extensively as best practices in Canada to promote upper body movement, independence, active living and as a dynamic alternative to traditional devices such as canes. Walking poles are emerging internationally as a new intervention for neuro rehabilitation with outcomes demonstrated by several randomized control trials (RCT) on Parkinson’s and a recent study on strokes.
- 4/2020
School-based Telehealth: Bringing Services to Any Child Anywhere - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Traci Bean, MA, CCC-SLP
Telehealth for school-based occupational therapy (OT) sparks both curiosity and excitement. Learn how online OT is benefitting students. See familiar OT interventions applied in a virtual setting. Explore the research and regulations for effective and compliant teletherapy.
- 10/2018
Telehealth Services Strategies for Combining Online and In-Person Visits Post COVID-19 - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal and state governments and the California OT Board implemented multiple waivers and policies allowing practice provisions to telehealth services. Now as the California economy starts to reopen, both providers and consumers will have to navigate how to best continue OT services. This webinar will provide an overview of current technology, administrative and clinical guidelines, and will offer planning strategies for combining in-person visits with online visits.
- 6/2020
Virtual What? Great Ideas for Unique Times - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Kay Rae Mackey, MS, OTR/L, Lead Occupational Therapist, Los Angeles Unified School District; Heleen Reed, MOT, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist, Clovis Community College; Beth Dillin, MOT, OTR/L, Direct of OT Services, The Speech Pathology Group; Ann-English D. Weaver, MSOT, OTR/L, Lead Occupational Therapist, Goodfellow Occupational Therapy
Moderated by Erin Dolin, EdD, OTR/L; Lisa A. Test, OTD, OTR/L
This Town Hall will showcase occupational therapy practitioners from across the state on how they are supporting children and families with COVID-19. Each presenter will provide a 10-minute presentation sharing tips, evidence, and resources. Participants will broaden their awareness of tools and treatment ideas that can readily be incorporated into practice. Learning objectives: Be able to utilize at least two strategies to incorporate into treatment approaches in a virtual session; Be able to articulate evidence to support strategies in a virtual environment.
- 9/2020
Building Stress Resilience in Uncertain Times - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Presented by Christy Billock, PhD, OTR/L
Learning Objectives | In the context of COVID-19 pandemic: Articulate the unique perspective of occupational therapy for contextualizing stress resilience. Describe the pillars of lifestyle medicine. Understand the stress response and how stress can be both positive and negative. Explore strategies to build stress resilience in your daily life. Describe the value of setting goals to increase resilience.
- 4/2020
Lifestyle Medicine & OT: A perfect fit - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Presented by Christy Billock, PhD, OTR/L; Dragana Krpalek, PhD, OTR/L; Julie Kugel, OTD, OTR/L
This Town Hall will introduce Lifestyle Medicine (LM) and explore occupational therapy's role in supporting health, well-being, and prevention using an LM approach. Certification requirements as well as clinical examples will be provided.
- 12/2020
A Learner-Centered Approach to Teaching Adult Physical Rehabilitation - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Samia Rafeedie, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CBIS; Allison Chu, OTD, OTR/L; Julie McLaughlin Gray, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Best practice in learner-centered education is incorporated into one physical rehabilitation course and will emphasize the student’s role in being responsible for their own learning, establishing a deeper understanding of content, and developing necessary skills for practice. - 6/2022
Active Engagement Strategies for Virtual Practice and Education - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Melisa Kaye, EdD, OTR/L; Christine Haworth, MA, OTR/L
This workshop will provide educators, students, and practitioners with practical and effective strategies for working in virtual educational and practice environments. Technology that engages stakeholders while simultaneously providing knowledge and intervention will be a focus. - 10/2021
Active Learning in Virtual and In-Person Settings - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Chiao-Ju Fang, PhD, OTR/L; Katrina Long, MS, OTR/L; Deborah Bolding, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
The session will introduce novice educators to active learning principles and explore strategies that both novice and experienced teachers and practitioners can use to promote active learning in small class, large class, and online settings. - 6/2022
An OTPF Goals Approach to Career Development - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Kyrstin Szewczyk, OTR/L (WA), MOT, CBIS, CEAS I
Learn to write relevant goals for your career, incorporating all areas of the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF). There will be in-depth discussion on getting involved in your state association, learning new skills, and boosting your career. - 3/2021
Applying Trauma-Informed Pedagogy to the College Classroom - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Candace Ro, MA, OTR/L
This presentation is about how occupational therapy educators and administrators can use trauma-informed pedagogy to create inclusive classrooms and a safe place for learning, where students are co-facilitators of learning.- 6/2023
Building Capacity: Level II Fieldwork to Master Clinician - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Heather Kitching, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Allison Baker, MS, OTR/L; Rebecca Crouch, MS, OTR/L; Vanessa Montes, MS, OTR/L
A case study format will be used to describe the reclaiming of a holistic mentorship program as a means of building future capacity at the individual and practice site levels. - 10/2021
Building Inclusive and Authentic Community in the Classroom - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Myka Persson, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will discuss how to increase inclusivity within the classroom with course design, storytelling, and vulnerability. Specific examples and overall outcomes from making intentional changes will be provided.- 6/2023
Centering Narratives in Foundational Science Courses - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Myka Winder, OTD, OTR/L
Storytelling is a unique form of pedagogy that is not traditionally applied in foundational science courses. This presentation will detail the importance and application of storytelling to foundational science courses for occupational therapy. - 6/2022
Developing Clinical Competency and Experiential Learning Through Interactive Simulations - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Maura Lavelle, MS, OTR/L; Wendy Brzozowski, BS, COTA/L; Clint Johnson, MA, CCC-SLP, CHSE
This course will review the benefits of simulations and the types of simulation modalities in students' training in occupational therapy programs. Processes for integrating simulations into curriculums and Fieldwork I Experiences will be discussed.
- 10/2020
Developing Competencies for a Health and Wellness Course - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Teresa Liccardo, MA, OTR/L (NV); Yvonne Randall, EdD, MHA, OTR/L (NV), FAOTA
This presentation will explore current issues in preparing students to practice in health and wellness. Health and wellness competencies will be discussed as a method for ensuring students are prepared to provide services in this area. - 3/2021
E-Professionalism in a Time of Increased Digital Communication - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Amber Bennett, OTD, OTR/L; Samia Rafeedie, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CBIS
In this interactive session, participants will learn about evidence-based actions occupational therapy practitioners and
educators can take to enhance e-professionalism in this time of increased online interaction.
- 10/2020
Engagement in Occupations During COVID-19: Academia to Private Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Naomi Achondo, OTD, OTR/L; Luis Arabit, OTD, MS, OTR/L, BCN, BCPR, C/NDT, FAOTA; Oliver Obusan, OTR/L
Occupational therapy practitioners can provide valuable service amidst a pandemic. Sharing lived experiences in various settings – academia, government-run healthcare, and private practice – this session will demonstrate how the pandemic shifted the practice in these settings, and its impact on the occupational therapy profession. - 3/2021
Exploring Student Experiences Using the Racial Impact Questionnaire - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Domeniquee Embrey, OTR/L; Zipporah Brown, OTD, OTR/L; Charae McConnell, OTR/L
This session will share student perspectives using the Racial Impact Questionnaire to help occupational therapy practitioners learn about student experiences around race, so that we can explore the intersection of race, student (future practitioners) fieldwork, and the importance of cultural humility. - 10/2021
Fieldwork Educators’ Guide to Successful Fieldwork Programming - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Stephanie Kokesh, OTD, OTR/L
Participants will receive guidance on developing and implementing fieldwork programming across practice settings, related to placement structure, collaborating with the school, utilizing tangible resources, and enacting a mutually beneficial experience for fieldwork educator and student. - 3/2021
Flip the Switch! Enhancing Student Motivation and Engagement - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Melisa Kaye, EdD, OTR/L
Energize your students and your teaching! The flipped classroom structure moves lecture out of the classroom to prerecorded video and uses classtime for active learning and interaction. The session will present theoretical and how-to information. - 6/2022
Fostering Experiential Learning and Collaboration through Interactive Simulations - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Maura Lavelle, MS, OTR/L; Sarah Walsh, MOT, OTR/L; Wendy Brzozowski, COTA/L
Presenters will demonstrate the clinical applications of interactive, computer-based simulations while discussing evidence-based methodologies for integrating simulation into occupational therapy curriculum, fieldwork experiences, and clinical practice. - 10/2021
Fostering Intraprofessional Collaboration - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Abigail Swidergal, MS, COTA/L (NV), CKTP
The occupational therapy profession is created from two distinct roles meant to work collaboratively and in cooperation for the best outcomes for service recipients. Learn how to create the best possible outcome for intraprofessional collaboration. - 3/2021
Incorporating the New Occupational Therapy Practice Framework into Curriculum - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Learn what exciting changes have been made in the 4th edition of the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework and how to incorporate these within your courses, learning activities, and curriculum.- 6/2022
Integrating OT into Medical School: Curriculum, Accommodations, and Therapy - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Samantha Valasek, OTD, OTR/L; Kelcie Kadowaki, OTD, OTR/L
Medical students demonstrate unique occupational needs due to the intensity of their educational programming. Learn how occupational therapy has been integrated into a medical school’s curriculum, administration, and student health system to prevent and reduce burnout. - 10/2021
Maximizing Student Learning in Remote, Role-Emerging Level II Fieldwork - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Prisca Wu, OTD, OTR/L; Clarissa Saunders-Newton, PhD, OTR/L
The presentation will review the rationale and strategies used to create a robust remote Level II Fieldwork experience in a role-emerging setting through clearly defined fieldwork learning objectives, unique learning activities, self-assessments, and guided reflections. - 3/2021
Meeting Students Where They Are: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Jessica De Brun, MOT, OTD, OTR/L; Erin McIntyre, MA, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will provide an overview of trauma-informed pedagogy as an essential method of teaching as we facilitate the development of resilient occupational therapy practitioners in the face of global adversity and trauma.- 6/2022
Mentoring OT Students Using Telehealth Interventions - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Michelle Tipton-Burton, MS, OTR/L; Fiona Dunbar, OTS; Jennifer Jeffery, OTS
Telehealth is endorsed by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) but there has been limited use of this service with occupational therapy students. This presentation will discuss how telehealth principles and practices were implemented in a Fieldwork Level I experience.
- 10/2020
Navigating an Online Learning Environment with ADHD - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Savanna Forry, OTR/L; Rashelle Nagata, OTD, OTR/L; Bethrese Padini, OTS
Students with ADHD require creative solutions to address their overall health, wellness, and academic success within an online learning environment. Learn how to adapt interventions for college students with ADHD to your population of interest. - 3/2021
Navigating Faculty Burnout in OT Higher Education - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Christy Billock, PhD, OTR/L, DipACLM
This session will explore the complexities and contributing factors of faculty burnout in occupational therapy higher education. Grounded in the science and evidence about burnout, participants will gain practical occupational strategies for navigating risk factors to maximize health and well-being. - 6/2022
Navigating the Tide: Health Science Student and Faculty of Color Academic Experiences - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Elizabeth Ching, OTD, M.Ed, BSOT, OTR/L; Alondra Ammon, MOT, OTR/L
This session will present findings of a qualitative case study, which describes the need for quality mentorship, spaces to dialogue about racism, and institutional support for the success of students and faculty of color in academia.
- 10/2020
Navigating Unexpected Change: The Evolution of a Profession - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bailey Zubel, OTD, OTR/L; Heather Kitching, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
COVID-19 altered academic education and practice resulting in a residual shift for Level II Fieldwork that can positively impact the future of the profession. The presenters will review the resultant wins, losses, and forward momentum. - 3/2021
Occupational Therapy Practitioners Support Preparations for Disasters and Emergencies - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Mary Schmitz, OTD, OT/L (AZ); Asha Asher, MA, OTR/L, FAOTA; Catherine Gardner, OTD (NJ), MPA, OT, FAOTA; Susan Skees Hermes, OTD, OTR/L, BCP
There is a distinct role for occupational therapy in disaster planning and preparedness across settings. Culturally-effective safety plans considering individual strengths and challenges, threats, and available supports will be discussed. - 3/2021
Optimizing Student Engagement: Sensory Strategies in the Classroom - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Linsey Grunes, OTD, OTR/L; Ling Yu (Elena) Meng, OTD, OTR/L; Merry Lee, OTD, OTR/L
Occupational therapy (OT) graduate students report higher than average levels of stress that impact their mental and physical health, occupational balance, and learning and engagement in the classroom. This presentation will provide an overview of a program that integrates sensory and regulation strategies into the classroom context to support OT student engagement and mental health.- 6/2023
OT and OTA FWII: Clubhouse International Site Collaboration - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jessica Padilla, COTA/L; Faith Moy, OTR/L; Jennifer Brouwers, OTS; Zurit Horowitz, OTS; Becky Hua, OTS
Level II Fieldwork students and faculty will share how they collaborated to create a virtual clubhouse for two Clubhouse International sites that were struggling to meet the club members’ needs during COVID-19. Participants will learn about the Clubhouse International model, how OT/OTA Level II Fieldwork students and faculty created the virtual clubhouse, and how they
added leadership training to the clubhouse programs.
- 3/2021
OT Practice: Demonstrating Resilience in the Face of Disruption - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Come hear from the leadership of various collaborating WROTSS states on the impact of COVID-19 and how they have demonstrated resilience and are looking to the future in the face of significant disruption. Moderator: Chuck Willmarth, CAE, AOTA Vice President, Health Policy and State Affairs - 3/2021
OTAs in Research - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Abigail Swidergal, MS, COTA/L (NV), CKTP; Melissa Tilton, COTA/L (MA), BS, ROH
Vision 2025 pillars provide opportunities for OTAs within research, increasing evidence for practice, creating new leaders, increasing collaboration, growing accessibility through intervention, and increasing diversity in the thoughts, ideas, and population participating in occupational therapy research. - 3/2021
Promoting Occupational Justice in Occupational Therapy Fieldwork - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Joahnes Gatdula, OTD, OTR/L, ITOT
This session will discuss the role of occupational therapy in promoting occupational justice through a community-built model in Level II Fieldwork placement. In-depth review of program objectives, evaluation tool, Model of Human Occupation FOR, and evidence-based treatment interventions for homelessness population will be discussed. - 3/2021
Putting on our People Lens: Lived Experience as Pedagogy - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Erin McIntyre, MA, OTD, OTR/L; Sarah Bream, OTD, OTR/L; Celso Delgado, Jr., OTD, OTR/L, BCMH
This presentation will describe the process and outcomes of an innovative pedagogical design that engaged mental-health consumers, experts by experience, to co-lead debriefs with occupational therapy students learning about mental health practice. Qualitative and quantitative outcomes indicated that this course design broadened students’ understanding of mental illness and recovery. Attendees will reflect on opportunities to include experts by experience as mentors or instructors in their own practice contexts. - 6/2022
Questioning our Foundations: Decolonizing Practice and Education - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Tessa Milman, OTD, OTR/L; Jennifer Jones, OTD, OTR/L, BCP; Janet Gunter, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will describe an innovative pedagogical approach which introduced occupational therapy students to decolonization. Participants will have opportunities to identify instances of colonization in practice and education as well as approaches to decolonize.- 6/2023
Reconsidering our Grading Practices: Assessing for Equity - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Tessa Milman, OTD, OTR/L; Samia Rafeedie, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CBIS
This presentation will describe how grading practices can be inequitable, and how and why to shift these practices towards equity. Participants will reflect on current practices with encouragement to consider more equitable grading practices.- 6/2023
Secondary Trauma and Burnout: Strategies for Student Success - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jessica De Brun, OTD, MOT, OTR/L; Erin McIntyre, OTD, MA, OTR/L
Occupational therapy students provide trauma-focused treatment with lack of awareness and resources devoted to prevention of secondary trauma. This presentation provides an overview of methods for addressing secondary trauma in the classroom and in fieldwork. - 10/2021
Socially-Distant and Socially-Constructed: An Inter-Institutional Faculty Learning Community - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Erin McIntyre, OTD, OTR/L; Jeni Dulek, OTD, OTR/L; Laura Bostock, MOT, OTR/L; Michelle Gorenberg, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will detail the development, implementation, and outcomes of a virtual faculty-led book club learning community and asynchronous platform for sharing of ideas and resources. - 3/2021
Supporting College Students During the Pandemic - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Myka Winder, OTD, OTR/L; Ashley Uyeshiro Simon, OTD, OTR/L
Occupational therapy (OT) has a role to play in supporting college students in lifestyle management, building connection, and accessing resources during the pandemic. This presentation will detail opportunities for OT to be involved in this emerging area. - 3/2021
Supporting Undocumented Students through an Occupational and Education Equity Lens - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Celso Delgado, Jr., OTD, OTR/L, BCMH; Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L; Flavio Guzman Magaño, MS;Daniel Padilla Vega, OTS
The presenters will discuss the benefits of using an occupational and education equity lens for supporting undocumented college students. The presentation will also include case studies, panel, best practices, policies, and resources for undocumented students.
- 10/2020
Tips and Tricks for Transitioning to Teaching - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Elena Meng, OTD, OTR/L; Jeni Dulek, OTD, OTR/L
The presenters, an experienced academician and a new educator, aim to share strategies and resources for practitioners transitioning to a teaching role. They will speak to their personal experiences as well as their mentoring relationship. - 6/2022
The Impact of Visual Skills on Academic Learning - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Regina Richards, MA, BCET
This presentation will explore the relationship between visual skills and academic learning and how inefficient visual skills can interfere with learning efficiency. Participants will practice the visual skills and handouts will include a variety of references.
- 10/2020
Transforming OT Post-Pandemic: Expanding Practice and Engagement - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Mary Evert, MBA, OTRL, FAOTA, SCD (hon); Tammy Richmond, MS, OTRL, FAOTA
This session will discuss and promote business and service model recommendations to provide occupational therapy practitioners and educators information and tools to transform and expand future practice, education, and research, which responds to post-pandemic needs. - 3/2021
Transitioning from Clinician to Academic - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Luis Arabit, OTD, MS, OTR/L, BCN, BCPR, C/NDT, FAOTA; Terry Catipon-Peralta, PhD, OTR/L; Allen Espelita, OTD, OTR/L, C/NDT, CEAS
This presentation will focus on clinicians who are exploring and considering venturing into academia as a future practice environment. It will highlight academic career planning, preparation, expectations, and feature experiences of practitioners who transitioned as academics. - 3/2021
Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Applications from Mental Health Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Erin McIntyre, OTD, MA, OTR/L; Jessica De Brun, OTD, MOT, OTR/L
This presentation will provide an overview of trauma-informed pedagogy as an essential method of teaching as we facilitate the development of resilient occupational therapy practitioners in the face of global adversity and trauma. - 10/2021
Trauma-Informed Teaching and Cultural Taxation in Occupational Therapy Education - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Karen Park, OTD, OTR/L, BCP; Jazminne Orozco Arteaga, OTD, OTR/L
Students of color face extraordinary challenges while pursuing higher education due to the sociopolitical climate and systemic racism in society. Participants will learn how faculty can integrate trauma-informed perspectives to be inclusive and responsive to societal and historical trauma. - 10/2021
Using an Integrated Model to Understand Student Resistance - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Jeni Dulek, OTD, OTR/L; Michelle Gorenberg, OTD, OTR/L
The presenters will discuss an integrated model of student resistance that can help educators prevent and minimize factors that contribute to resistance. Addressing resistance has been shown to improve student learning and faculty satisfaction with teaching.- 6/2023
Virtual Interprofessional Education Using IPEC Core Competency Domains - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Maureen Johnson, PhD, MS, OT/L, BCPR, C/NDT; Norman Belleza, PT, DPT
This workshop will demonstrate interprofessional education using designated activities for each IPEC Core Competency Domain. Novel virtual activities will include scavenger hunts, escape rooms, chart reviews, and virtual simulations with debriefings using online engagement tools.
- 10/2020
Acute Care
Factoring Mental Health Issues into Treatment in Acute Care - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Don Gordon, PhD, OTR/L
Mental health issues can emerge in the acute care setting in sometimes unpredictable ways. This presentation will endeavor to help attendees better
understand signs related to mental health challenges and provide tools to facilitate coping.- 4/2023
Feel the Beat: Occupational Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Conditions - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Elyse Peterson, OTD, OTR/L
Cardiovascular care is expanding across the continuum of disease prompting a variety of opportunities for occupational therapy services. Occupational therapy practitioners are poised to provide care ranging from patients who are newly diagnosed, to patients recovering from cardiothoracic surgery, to patients with end-stage heart failure. This session discusses best practices including current evidence, clinical experience, and multidisciplinary collaboration to provide care for patients of varying acuities. - 5/2022
Navigating the Complex Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Liz Zborowski, OT/L, CLEC
Annually, 2.8 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI), with some 280,000 resulting in hospitalizations. Information on etiology, evaluation, and progression of treatment beginning in the ICU through the continuum of care in the acute care setting will be reviewed. TBI levels of recovery will be discussed, as well as recommendations for assessment tools, goal setting, and treatment interventions at each stage of recovery. - 5/2022
Occupational Therapy and Burn Injuries - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Dawn Kurakazu, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will discuss the role of occupational therapy in the care of the burn injured client through the different phases of the burn injury. Focus will be on the emergent and acute phases of the burn injury with some discussion of the rehabilitation phase. Topics will include the evaluation of the burn injured patient as well as treatment strategies.- 4/2023
OTs in the ICU: The Power of Patient and Family Engagement - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Amy Godwin, OTR/L
The role of OT in the ICU has evolved and grown over time and has become even more essential over the last several years. This presentation will examine how OTs promote human connection and engagement in the acute critical care setting. Evidence-based assessment and intervention strategies will be discussed to empower the OT practitioner and highlight the unique contribution of OT in this setting. - 5/2022
OTs in the ICU: Our Role in Organ Transplantation - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Nicolette Longo, MS, OTR/L
The needs of the organ transplant patient population are diverse and continue to evolve as there is an expansion in donor pools, improved mortality rate, and advancements in multi-organ transplantation. Occupational therapy practitioners (OTP) are tasked with implementing evidenced-based measures to evaluate and treat patients undergoing organ transplantation in the ICU setting. This presentation will highlight the OTP’s role on the interdisciplinary team for the transplant patient and discuss evidenced-based assessments and how they are used to measure functional progression and participation in selfcare. Additionally, this presentation will emphasize case studies and goal setting across the ICU and acute level of care.- 4/2023
Rebuilding What We’ve Lost in COVID: A Perspective from the ICU - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Dr. E. Wesley Ely
This presentation will describe the difficulties that health care professionals are currently experiencing in our desire to provide best care to ICU patients in the midst of the COVID pandemic. The presentation will explain a scientifically proven method for amplifying humanism and dignity that can work, one patient at a time. Additionally, the presentation will use the power of human story to identify aspects of patient suffering that are epidemic within the pandemic and offer hope and strategy for rebuilding what was lost amid the pandemic mayhem and discuss a path forward. - 5/2022
Severe Traumatic Brain: Assessment and Treatment - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Seth D. Herman, MD
This presentation will focus on the assessment of disorders of consciousness and take attendees through the potential treatments and journey through the rehab process to home with potential complications that may arise.- 4/2023
The OT/OTA Collaboration in Acute Care - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Sharon Pavlovich, EdD, COTA/L; Farman Boayes, COTA/L; Amy Brown, OTD, OTR/L, CLT
This presentation will focus on what the roles, responsibilities, and supervision parameters are for the OT/OTA working in acute care. Possible barriers as well as what collaborations may look like for this valuable partnership will be discussed.- 4/2023
The Trauma-Informed Approach and Concepts of the Post-Traumatic Growth Model for the OTP - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Kristen Gill, OTD, OTR/L
Along their journey to healing from an acute event or a life altering injury, our clients can feel "stuck." Understanding what roadblocks that they may be facing, consciously or unconsciously, and how to navigate through is an important aspect of occupational therapy intervention. Taking a trauma-informed approach to practice is essential to understanding and connecting with patients who have experienced trauma. Concepts in post-traumatic growth offer great potential to enhance occupational therapy practice to propel clients forward into achieving more meaningful and satisfying lives following trauma. - 5/2022
Advocacy: Legislative and Regulatory Updates in 2020 - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Lauren Lopez, OTD; Chuck Willmarth, CAE; Jennifer Hendrick Snyder, MHA; Lindsay Gullahorn, BA
Join us for an in-depth briefing on the latest legislative and regulatory changes on the state and federal levels impacting the occupational therapy profession. Come learn more about these issues and upcoming initiatives to build your capacity and knowledge as an advocate for the profession. Get the latest information on how to stay informed and get involved in OTAC's advocacy efforts.
- 10/2020
Be a Political Advocate for Occupational Therapy in the Healthcare Environment- $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Lauren Lopez, OTD, OTR/L; Carnie Lewis, OTD, OTR/L; Chuck Willmarth, CAE; Jennifer Hendrick Synder, MHA; Lindsay Gullahorn, BA
Be a political advocate for occupational therapy in the healthcare environment. This session will provide an in-depth tutorial on how to be a political advocate for occupational therapy, expand your knowledge of the legislative process, and understand the role of social media in grassroots advocacy. This session will include a hands-on component to learn how to engage with your local legislators and interact on social media.
- 10/2020
Building Capacity: Level II Fieldwork to Master Clinician - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Heather Kitching, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Allison Baker, MS, OTR/L; Rebecca Crouch, MS, OTR/L; Vanessa Montes, MS, OTR/L
A case study format will be used to describe the reclaiming of a holistic mentorship program as a means of building future capacity at the individual and practice site levels.- 10/2021
Collaborative Leadership Skills: Introducing Emotional Intelligence - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Natalie Perkins, OTD, MEd, OTR/L, FIIE
Occupational therapy practitioners and inter-professional healthcare teams need skills associated with emotional intelligence as it relates to therapeutic rapport, communication, and collaboration. Effective interpersonal communication forms the basis for collaboration among clients and other healthcare team members. - 10/2021
Creating a Supportive Work Environment for Employees of Color: A Conversation between a White Supervisor and a Black Employee - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Amers Goff, MA, OTR/L; Rodney Harris, COTA/L; Serena Hobson, MA, OTR/L
Creating diversity in the work place cannot end when a practitioner of color is hired. Creating a safe and equitable work environment for clinicians who are Black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC) requires supervisors and employees to engage in an ongoing dialogue about racism and racial bias present in the workplace. In this presentation, a white supervising OTR/L will sit down with a Black COTA/L to discuss how they have navigated conversations about race within a nonpublic school setting. This will include practical suggestions to white supervisors on how to begin creating a safe environment for employees of color.
- 10/2020
Embracing Positive Prospects for Protecting Our Populations in the Face of COVID-19: The Unique
Perspective of OT - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Wendy Hildenbrand, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Mary M. Evert, MBA, OTR/L, FAOTA, ScD(Hon)
This session will cover personal and client emergency situations to gain a better understanding of needed insights, competencies, and the ethical imperative to anticipate preparedness and responses. Areas covered will include logistics of preparation plans, the need for situational awareness of the safety of physical and social environments, communication and personal information necessities, prioritization of needs in case of an immediate crisis, and the mental health components and partnerships helpful to surviving various types of calamities. Identifying gaps in our current approaches and positive outcomes for future modifications, changing practice mandates, and clarifying payment for our services are just a few of our future focused goals.
- 10/2020
From Town Talks to Telecommunications: A Call for Community to Engage in Meaningful Occupation - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Alyson D’Ambrosio Stover, MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP, AOTA President-Elect
In the New York Times best-selling book, Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic, author Sam Quinones states, “I believe more strongly than ever that the antidote to heroin [suicide, depression, obesity …] is community. IF you want to keep your kids off heroin, make sure people in your neighborhood do things together, in public, often. Form your own Dreamland and break down those barriers that keep people isolated,” (p 353; 2015). Getting Connected is a unique collaborative approach to reduce isolation and loneliness for residents of Mercer County, PA while unifying the elaborate networks of interventions for increased ease of access to care. This workshop will use Getting Connected as a model for community-based program design, implementation, and evaluation. We will also explore how to articulate and advocate for programs that employ occupation as the most meaningful path to wellness. - 10/2021
Navigating Unexpected Change: The Evolution of a Profession - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Baily Zubel, OTD, OTR/L; Heather Kitching, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
COVID-19 altered academic education and practice resulting in a residual shift for Level I Fieldwork that can positively impact the future of the profession. The presenters will review the resultant wins, losses, and forward momentum. - 10/2021
Need for Entrepreneurship in Occupational Therapy - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Hiral Khatri, OTD, OTR/L
Occupational therapy entrepreneurship is the need and future for the profession. Practitioners having a wide-range of expertise can serve the community in various traditional and non-traditional ways using growing technology tools through entrepreneurial skills. - 10/2021
OT Practitioner Licensing in a Pandemic - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Richard Bookwalter, MS, OTR/L, CBOT President; Heather Martin, CBOT Executive Officer
Learn from the California Board of Occupational Therapy (CBOT) about changes to OT and OTA licensing in 2020. New licensing waivers and rules address the COVID-19 pandemic and state mandates limiting Board scrutiny of past criminal convictions. Efforts to allow a practitioner licensed in one state to work in another state will also be discussed.
- 10/2020
OT Telehealth COVID–19 and Beyond: Policy Updates, Resources, Tools, and Case Uses - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
The COVID-19 pandemic created significant changes to occupational therapy services. The course will discuss current policy changes, services, resources, and case use examples of newly integrated telehealth services and how we can sustain telehealth.
- 10/2020
Power, Privilege, Culture: Action Research Reflections from Colombia - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Chelsea Rivera, OTD, OTR/L
Utilizing OTD research conducted within an African-descendent village in Cartagena, Colombia, this presentation will explore how the intersection of culture, privilege, and identity present both barriers and opportunities for action-based research in marginalized communities.
- 10/2020
Professionals Rise! A Top-Down Approach to Power Through Political Action - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Samia H. Rafeedie, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CBIS
Literature demonstrates that healthcare professions rely on professional memberships on the journey towards becoming a powerful profession. In this post-pandemic environment, there has never been a more critical time for occupational therapy to rise up and be recognized for its distinct value. This session will include a discussion on the importance of association membership in building power and political action for a profession. - 10/2021
Promoting Job Satisfaction: Building Students into Your Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jaynee Meyer, OTD, OTR/L; Eileen Wang, MA, OTR/L, CSRS
Looking to increase job satisfaction? Reflect on your current work. Enhance your occupation-based practice, minimize job-related burnout and burden, and infuse scholarship into clinical practice while developing actionable steps building fieldwork students into your practice. - 10/2021
Rising Through Advocacy: Legislative and Regulatory Updates - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Lauren Lopez, OTD, OTR/L; Chuck Willmarth, CAE; Jennifer Hendrick Snyder, MHA; Lindsay Gullahorn
Join us for an in-depth briefing on the latest legislative and regulatory changes on the state and federal levels impacting the occupational therapy profession. Come learn more about these issues and upcoming initiatives to help you rise as an advocate for the profession. Get the latest information on how to stay informed and get involved in OTAC’s advocacy efforts. - 10/2021
Saturday Keynote - Transformational Practice: Advocacy for a Thriving Future - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Alyson D’Ambrosio Stover, MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP, AOTA President-Elect
The medical model has increasingly become only one lens through which we, as occupational therapy professionals, can attack a problem. Advocacy for clients and the occupational therapy profession has been a vital component of our practice; however, colossal inequities have been exposed and these tragedies require the response of our occupational therapy community. This is our call to take action. We must leverage our distinct, and unparalleled knowledge of occupation in order to not only serve as an advocate for our individual clients and their families, but to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems, and institutions. - 10/2021
Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship in Occupational Therapy - $10 members/ $15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
John Goodfellow, OTR/L
Entrepreneurs are innovators who take the risk of forming and operating a business. All occupational therapy practitioners are poised to be entrepreneurs in that they have expertise in occupational participation, which is valuable to the communities in which they live and work. When starting a business, financial success is essential. Conversely, the occupational therapy entrepreneur should consider one’s social responsibility to reach underserved populations related to mitigating disparaging social factors. Social responsibility helps us all rise. Note: This 90 minute session also includes a panel highlighting CFOT activities. - 10/2021
Sparking Change at Work: Strategies for Everyday Practitioners - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Aaron Picus, OTD, OTR/L
Change is not limited to those with positions of authority. This workshop will combine research from many backgrounds with the experiences of change-agent practitioners so that attendees will leave with strategies to start a change at their work. - 10/2021
Sparking Change at Work: Strategies for Everyday Practitioners - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Aaron Picus, OTD, OTR/L
This workshop combines research inside and outside of occupational therapy with the experiences of current change-agent practitioners to provide practitioners without formal authority skills and strategies to get a change started in their organization.
- 10/2020
Sunday Keynote: Resilient. Renewed. Rising! Looking Back Enables Us to Move Forward - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Moderated by OTAC President Bryant Edwards, OTD, MA, OTR/L, BCP, MPH,
this panel will feature three past presidents (Luella Grangaard, OTR/L; Heather Kitching, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Pat Nagaishi, PhD, OTR/L) as they share key components of their presidency and the signs of the times, strategies to navigate challenges and subsequent successes, and their perspectives on the future of the profession as we emerge from the current crises with renewed commitment. - 10/2021
The Benefits of Integrating Telehealth Consultation and Monitoring into your Existing Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTRL, FAOTA
Remote patient monitoring and telehealth consultation most often are delegated to physician models of care. COVID- 19 brought opportunities for occupational therapy (OT) practitioners to provide these services. This session will discuss how to deploy these OT services.
- 10/2020
The New OT Practice Framework: Use in Everyday Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Heather Thomas, PhD, OTR/L
The changes in the fourth edition of the OT Practice Framework, recently released by AOTA, reflect the dynamic and exciting changes emerging in our profession. This session will present those changes as well as guide participants through the Framework and how it can be used in practice.
- 10/2020
General Practice
Acute Care Occupational Therapy Considerations for COVID-19 - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Carnie Lewis, OTD, OTR/L; Kelsey Sena Peterson, OTD, OTR/L, Neuro-IFRAH® Certified
This session will cover the acute care occupational therapy considerations for the COVID-19 pandemic with an overview of the experience of clinicians at an academic medical center. Topics will include experiences throughout the various surges of the virus, treatment planning for individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 from a critical care and medical surgery level, supplemental oxygen management within activities of daily living, public health concerns, and COVID-19 long haul treatment. - 10/2021
Building Stress Resilience in Uncertain Times - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Christy Billock, PhD, OTR/L
Learning Objectives | In the context of COVID-19 pandemic: Articulate the unique perspective of occupational therapy for contextualizing stress resilience. Describe the pillars of lifestyle medicine. Understand the stress response and how stress can be both positive and negative. Explore strategies to build stress resilience in your daily life. Describe the value of setting goals to increase resilience.
- 4/2020
Clinical Reasoning: Occupational Therapy Sleep Assessments and Interventions - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Patricia Librea, OTS; Kathleen Apostol, OTS; Kanika Eng, OTS; Thong Vo, OTS
This study explored the clinical reasoning behind the selection and utilization of sleep assessments and interventions by occupational therapy practitioners – revealing that they are selected based on convenience, environmental-external factors, values, knowledge and education, and client-centeredness. - 3/2021
Engagement in Occupations During COVID-19: Academia to Private Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Naomi Achondo, OTD, OTR/L; Luis Arabit, OTD, MS, OTR/L, BCN, BCPR, C/NDT, FAOTA; Oliver Obusan, OTR/L
Occupational therapy practitioners can provide valuable service amidst a pandemic. Sharing lived experiences in various settings – academia, government-run healthcare, and private practice – this session will demonstrate how the pandemic shifted the practice in these settings, and its impact on the occupational therapy profession. - 3/2021
Enhancing Your Documentation - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Nicole Poppert, MS, OTR/L; Stephanie Mayer, PT, DPT
Participants in this presentation will gain valuable insights and practical skills for improving the quality of their daily documentation. This presentation aims to empower OTs, OTAs, and students with the knowledge and tools needed to create more skilled, efficient, and impactful daily documentation. - 1/2024
Experiencing Medical Deposition: Watch a Therapist Get Sued - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Maureen E Johnson, PhD, MS, OT/L, BCPR, C/NDT, CHSE-A; Norman C Belleza, PT, DPT, PhD, CHSE-A; Nicole Stark, Esq.
A Values/Ethics Simulation on Rehabilitation Therapy Documentation. After this workshop, participants will be able to articulate complexities of teaching values and ethics, discuss values and ethics IPE core competency and sub-competencies, analyze values and ethics of professional documentation, develop innovative mediolegal simulations emphasizing the values and ethics core competency, and review an IPE simulated medical chart.- 2/2023
Gender Identity and Occupational Therapy: A Recognition of Occupational Impact - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Devlynn Neu, MS, OTR/L; Susan DiDino, MOT, OTR/L; Karen McCarthy, OTD, OTR/L
Come engage in a conversation about gender identity, the experience, and the occupational impact. This presentation will consist of a panel that includes members with research and lived experience. Discussions will focus on occupations impacted as well as implications for practice. We hope to foster a goal of enhanced understanding and responsiveness.- 8/2022
IDD and Dementia: Intervention Through Occupation - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Laura Golden, OTD, OTR/L (TX)
This presentation will discuss the signs of dementia specific to individuals with intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) and its impact on function and behavior. The presentation will provide strategies for effective interventions for individuals with IDD co-occurring and dementia. - 3/2021
Lifestyle Medicine & OT: A perfect fit - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Christy Billock, PhD, OTR/L; Dragana Krpalek, PhD, OTR/L; Julie Kugel, OTD, OTR/L
This Town Hall will introduce Lifestyle Medicine (LM) and explore occupational therapy's role in supporting health, well-being, and prevention using an LM approach. Certification requirements as well as clinical examples will be provided.
- 12/2020
Making Functional Cognition Part of Your Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Gordon Muir Giles, PhD, DipCOT, OTR/L, FAOTA
The evaluation of functional cognition (FC), defined as the ability to use and integrate thinking and performance skills in the performance of complex everyday activities, is a central concern of occupational therapy practitioners’ professional practice. Historically occupational therapy practitioners have had an ambivalent attitude to cognition, but the definition of FC as the cognitive processes necessary for the performance of IADL firmly places FC within the purview of occupational therapy and helps to delineate professional boundaries. This presentation will define FC and describe rapid screening methods and assessments, and how these can be used to inform clinical practice.
- 10/2020
Motivational Interviewing for Individuals with Persistent Pain - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
John Rider, MS, OTR/L (NV), MSCS, CEAS; Paula Cook, OTD, OTR/L (NV), CIMI
This course will provide participants with a foundational knowledge of motivational interviewing, emphasizing application in occupational therapy practice with individuals experiencing persistent pain. Participants will gain skills that can be applied immediately in clinical practice. - 3/2021
Navigating Unexpected Change: The Evolution of a Profession - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Baily Zubel, OTD, OTR/L; Heather Kitching, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
COVID-19 altered academic education and practice resulting in a residual shift for Level I Fieldwork that can positively impact the future of the profession. The presenters will review the resultant wins, losses, and forward momentum. - 10/2021
Need for Entrepreneurship in Occupational Therapy - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Hiral Khatri, OTD, OTR/L
Occupational therapy entrepreneurship is the need and future for the profession. Practitioners having a wide-range of expertise can serve the community in various traditional and non-traditional ways using growing technology tools through entrepreneurial skills. - 10/2021
OT and Ergonomics - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Janet DeMaria, OTR/L; Anita Keswani Bhatt, OTR/L
Come learn about and discuss the journey from OT to ergonomics and from healthcare to wellness.- 4/2023
OT and Pelvic Health: Addressing Societal Needs - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Carlin Daley Reaume, OTD, OTR/L, MAEd, PMH-C, PCES; Kimberly Perring Lenington, OTD, OTR/L
Come learn about the impact of pelvic health on occupational engagement and how OT is advocating for greater presence in this emerging practice area. We will be presenting on current practice trends and discussing areas of continued opportunity.- 9/2022
OT Practitioner Licensing in a Pandemic - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Richard Bookwalter, MS, OTR/L, CBOT President; Heather Martin, CBOT Executive Officer
Learn from the California Board of Occupational Therapy (CBOT) about changes to OT and OTA licensing in 2020. New licensing waivers and rules address the COVID-19 pandemic and state mandates limiting Board scrutiny of past criminal convictions. Efforts to allow a practitioner licensed in one state to work in another state will also be discussed.
- 10/2020
Sexuality and OT - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Kathryn Ellis, OTD, OTR/L, AASECT–SC (she/her/hers); Joseph Christian Ungco, OTD, OTR/L (they/them); Lawrence Stevenson, OTD, OTR/L (he/him/his/they); Karla D. Reese, DHSc, OTR/L (she/her/hers); Jenn (JJ) Soros, PhD, OTR/L (she/her/hers)
Sexual Activity: The 8th ADL. Let’s talk about sex! Not sure how to bring up the topic of sexual activity with a client? Feeling unsure about saying the wrong thing? Join us for a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the practice area of sexuality. We will discuss common questions and areas of concern from clients, and you will have the opportunity to get your questions answered! The panel of experts will introduce you to their specialty areas of practice and discuss the role of OT within sexuality. You will leave the session feeling empowered to address the ADL of sexual activity within your practice.
- 4/2023
Sparking Change at Work: Strategies for Everyday Practitioners - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Aaron Picus, OTD, OTR/L
This workshop combines research inside and outside of occupational therapy with the experiences of current change-agent practitioners to provide practitioners without formal authority skills and strategies to get a change started in their organization.
- 10/2020
Supporting Recovery from the “Long-Haul” of COVID-19- $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Laura Cox, OTD, OTR/L; Jamie Wilcox, OTD, OTR/L; Ashley Halle, OTD, OTR/L
This session will discuss the symptomology and occupational impact of a new client population: COVID-19 “long-haulers.” The role of occupational therapy in post-COVID care and best practices will be explored. - 10/2021
Telehealth Services Strategies for Combining Online and In-Person Visits Post COVID-19 - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal and state governments and the California OT Board implemented multiple waivers and policies allowing practice provisions to telehealth services. Now as the California economy starts to reopen, both providers and consumers will have to navigate how to best continue OT services. This webinar will provide an overview of current technology, administrative and clinical guidelines, and will offer planning strategies for combining in-person visits with online visits.
- 6/2020
The Distinct Value of OT in Diabetes Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Gina Mulanthara, MS, OTR/L
Occupational therapy (OT) practitioners are carving out their role in diabetes care. In this session, participants will learn the essential components of diabetes assessment and gain experience with intervention strategies key to OT intervention in this practice area.
- 10/2020
The New OT Practice Framework: Use in Everyday Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Heather Thomas, PhD, OTR/L
The changes in the fourth edition of the OT Practice Framework, recently released by AOTA, reflect the dynamic and exciting changes emerging in our profession. This session will present those changes as well as guide participants through the Framework and how it can be used in practice.
- 10/2020
The Power of Lifestyle Interventions Throughout Cancer Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Emma Schiewe, MA, OTR/L
Attend this session to learn about the growing need for lifestyle intervention approaches to address cancer diagnoses. Explore how occupational therapy can utilize holistic lifestyle intervention to promote an individual’s health and wellness. - 3/2021
The River Flows Despite COVID-19: An Occupational Therapy Perspective on Resilience and Hope in the Age of Social Disruption - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Michael Iwama, PhD, MSc, BScOT, BScHP (Massachusetts/USA)
This session will examine the anatomy of social disruption and resilience in the day-to-day realities of occupational therapy practitioners, and how the principles of our practice can inspire hope and a better way forward. - 3/2021
The Value of Complementary Techniques Impacts the Practice of Occupational Therapy - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Peg Bledsoe, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA, BPC
Complementary techniques can aid infants to adults in improving their occupational skills. The complementary techniques can assist any individual (pediatrics-geriatrics) with one or multiple disabilities in various settings from home to clinic.
- 10/2020
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Across Practice Settings - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
John Rider, MS, OTR/L (NV), MSCS, CEAS; Ezra Alex, OTS
In this primer course on thoracic outlet syndrome designed for OT practitioners working in any practice setting, participants will review relevant anatomy, observe special tests for evaluation, and practice evidence-based interventions to increase occupational engagement. - 3/2021
Healthcare Equity/Racial Justice
A Love Supreme: Grappling with Systemic Racism in OT - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Frank Kronenberg, PhD, BScOT, BA Ed (Cape Town/South Africa)
Framed around the four parts (acknowledgement, resolution, pursuance, and psalm) of John Coltrane’s 1964 classic jazz album ‘A Love Supreme,’ this presentation will delve into our current challenges in grappling with systemic racism in occupational therapy in a novel way. - 3/2021
Application of Cultural Fluidity in Diverse Pediatric Contexts - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jenna Kobara, OTD, OTR/L; Bonnie Nakasuji, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Mariko Yamazaki-Sanchez, OTD, OTR/L
Establishing mutual occupational therapy goals and purposes requires shared understanding and effectual collaboration. Learn how a culturally fluid process supports this effort despite diverse pediatric practice challenges and contexts: home-based (feeding), school-based (behaviors), and international settings (culture). - 10/2021
Black Health Matters: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Creating Health Equality - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Serena Hobson, MA, OTR/L; Claudia Quarshie; Jai Kemp; Tamyra Fisk; Breanna Omuziligbo, ASW; Maya Omuziligbo
The Black community in America, over 43 million individuals, is disproportionately affected by chronic conditions. We will explore occupational therapy’s role and value in addressing Black health inequities and occupational injustices with an interdisciplinary team.
- 10/2020
Bridging Social Justice and Daily Clinical Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Julie Miller, MOT, OTR/L; Mariko Yamazaki-Sanchez, OTD, OTR/L
As occupational therapy practitioners, we support independence and occupation. But we also have a role in recognizing social disparities in access to care, unintended bias, and our role for client advocacy for each client. - 10/2021
Confronting and Addressing Systemic Racism: Living Occupational Therapy Through Ubuntu - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Frank Kronenberg, PhD, BScOT, BAEd; Elelwani Ramugondo, PhD
Never before has systemic racism been called out globally as inherently dehumanizing and genocidal, with Black Lives Matter leading international outrage against racially motivated police brutality. Yet, from the Global South, there has been a long trajectory of theorizing around what it means to be human, and how occupational therapy can give language and provide exemplars for a decolonial healing practice.
- 10/2020
Creating a Supportive Work Environment for Employees of Color: A Conversation between a White Supervisor and a Black Employee - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Amers Goff, MA, OTR/L; Rodney Harris, COTA/L; Serena Hobson, MA, OTR/L
Creating diversity in the work place cannot end when a practitioner of color is hired. Creating a safe and equitable work environment for clinicians who are Black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC) requires supervisors and employees to engage in an ongoing dialogue about racism and racial bias present in the workplace. In this presentation, a white supervising OTR/L will sit down with a Black COTA/L to discuss how they have navigated conversations about race within a nonpublic school setting. This will include practical suggestions to white supervisors on how to begin creating a safe environment for employees of color.
- 10/2020
Cultural Competency/Humility Training in Occupational Therapy Programs - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Shain Davis, OTD, OTR/L; Miranda Martinez, OTS; Laurie Chen, OTS; Mayson De Ochoa, OTS
This presentation is a study in progress about a four-week workshop that will be administered to students from various accredited programs across California. Changes in cultural competency pre- and post-workshop will be measured along with the students’ perception of culture. - 10/2021
Decolonizing our Practice with BIPOC Labeled with Mental Illness - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Celso Delgado, Jr., OTD, OTR/L, BCMH; Tessa Milman, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will focus on decolonialism and the role we can play for reclaiming full humanness by mobilizing the capabilities for self-determination, collective self-reliance, and ultimately healing to better serve BIPOC labeled with mental illness. - 10/2021
DEI 101: Strategic Responsiveness for Occupational Therapy Practitioners - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Shan-Pin Fanchiang, PhD, OTR/L; Rhonda Windham, OTD, OTR/L; Seaton Ng, MS, OTR/L; Amy Zhao, OTD, OTR/L; Amy Dahlgren, MS, OTR/L
Knowing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is the first step in strategic responsiveness. In addition to expanding knowledge, attendees will walk away with actionable tools to address DEI personally including in work settings. - 10/2021
Exploring Roles and Identity through Resiliency - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Celso Delgado, Jr., OTD, OTR/L, BCMH; Tessa Milman, OTD, OTR/L; Elizabeth Zepeda, OTD, OTR/L
This session will review developmental aspects of adolescents and how their engagement in occupations shapes identity and roles. Evidenced-based practices for building resiliency in at-risk environments and trauma-informed care approaches will be highlighted through case studies. - 10/2021
Exploring Student Experiences Using the Racial Impact Questionnaire - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Domeniquee Embrey, OTR/L; Zipporah Brown, OTD, OTR/L; Charae McConnell, OTR/L
This session will share student perspectives using the Racial Impact Questionnaire to help occupational therapy practitioners learn about student experiences around race, so that we can explore the intersection of race, student (future practitioners) fieldwork, and the importance of cultural humility.- 10/2021
Impact: Experiences of Black Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Students - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Moderated by OTAC President Bryant Edwards, OTD, MA, OTR/L, BCP, MPH
Panelists include Zipporah Brown, OTD, OTR/L; Enjoli Filemu, OTD, OTR/L, CPAM; Lynette Ingram, OTR/L, SWAL, CLE; Porsche Fowlkes-Arthurs, MOT, OTR/L
Join us for a panel discussion from our Black colleagues as they share their experiences in the work and educational settings, and the impact it has had on them as professionals and within their practice. At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees will be able to: 1) Articulate the impact of racism in occupational therapy practice, 2) Articulate the impact of racism in occupational therapy education, 3) Reflect on their roles in deconstructing racism in their own settings.
- 8/2020
LGBT Seniors: Impact of a Safe Space on Occupation - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Daniel Swiatek, OTD, OTR/L
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) seniors face unique issues related to identity preservation and discrimination not found in other populations of seniors. This current research study sought to understand how a safe space improves their occupational participation.
- 10/2020
Navigating the Tide: Health Science Student and Faculty of Color Academic Experiences - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Elizabeth Ching, OTD, M.Ed, BSOT, OTR/L; Alondra Ammon, MOT, OTR/L
This session will present findings of a qualitative case study, which describes the need for quality mentorship, spaces to dialogue about racism, and institutional support for the success of students and faculty of color in academia.
- 10/2020
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Gender-Affirming Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Nora Dixon, MA, OTR/L; Gabriel Carcedo Cravens, OTS
Since gender transitions have no defined beginning or end, transitioning individuals are required to constantly adapt to their context. Occupational therapy practitioners can support these adaptations by analyzing how one’s transition may impact their daily routines. - 10/2021
Power, Privilege, Culture: Action Research Reflections from Colombia - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Chelsea Rivera, OTD, OTR/L
Utilizing OTD research conducted within an African-descendent village in Cartagena, Colombia, this presentation will explore how the intersection of culture, privilege, and identity present both barriers and opportunities for action-based research in marginalized communities.
- 10/2020
Preparing OT Practitioners to Treat the LGBTQ+ Population - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Zipporah Brown, OTD, OTR/L, CNS; Danielle Friberg, OTD, OTR/L; Sheila James, OTS
This presentation will help prepare occupational therapy practitioners to treat the LGBTQ+ population through education and best practices to further AOTA’s Vision 2025 of maximizing health, well-being, and quality of life for all people, populations, and communities (AOTA, 2017). - 10/2021
Promoting Cultural Diversity in Occupational Therapy Department in Qatar - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Joahnes Gatdula, OTD, OTR/L, ITOT, OTRP; Allen Espelita, OTD, OTRP, OTR/L (NV), C/NDT, CEAS; Peter Perez, OTD, OTR/L (PH), OTRP; Loriebel Rachel Guloy, OTD, OTR/L (PH & QA), BScOT, OTRP, KTCP
This seminar is about the cultural diversity program of the occupational therapy department in Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar. Participants will gain practical skills for cultural competency training. There will be an in-depth review of cultural sensitivity in different occupational therapy settings. - 10/2021
Promoting Occupational Justice in Occupational Therapy Fieldwork - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Joahnes Gatdula, OTD, OTR/L, ITOT
This session will discuss the role of occupational therapy in promoting occupational justice through a community-built model in Level II Fieldwork placement. In-depth review of program objectives, evaluation tool, Model of Human Occupation FOR, and evidence-based treatment interventions for homelessness population will be discussed. - 3/2021
Racial Bias and Occupational Therapy - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Alaa Abou-Arab, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will include 1) the importance of research in racial bias given the current climate we are living in; 2) definition of microaggressions (implicit racial bias) and how implicit biases are manifested in the workplace (i.e. microaggressions); 3) how implicit biases are perceived as trauma to people of color and other marginalized communities; and 4) the impact racial bias can have and has had on our profession, from the university curriculum, the practice framework, and clinics. Welcome by OTAC Region 2 Director Rani Waterman, OTD, OTR/L, AMPS.
- 7/2020
Racism in Healthcare and What OTs Can Do - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Sheela Ivlev, MS, OTR/L, CMHIMP
How are racial disparities in healthcare considered when providing client-centered OT services? This session will review the negative impacts of implicit bias, racial trauma, and racism, and recommend ways to provide equitable client-centered care.
- 10/2020
Supporting Undocumented Students through an Occupational and Education Equity Lens - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Celso Delgado, Jr., OTD, OTR/L, BCMH; Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L; Flavio Guzman Magaño, MS; Daniel Padilla Vega, OTS
The presenters will discuss the benefits of using an occupational and education equity lens for supporting undocumented college students. The presentation will also include case studies, panel, best practices, policies, and resources for undocumented students.
- 10/2020
Trauma-Informed Teaching and Cultural Taxation in Occupational Therapy Education - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Karen Park, OTD, OTR/L, BCP; Jazminne Orozco Arteaga, OTD, OTR/L
Students of color face extraordinary challenges while pursuing higher education due to the sociopolitical climate and systemic racism in society. Participants will learn how faculty can integrate trauma-informed perspectives to be inclusive and responsive to societal and historical trauma.- 10/2021
Youth Homelessness: An Occupational Therapy Perspective - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bianca M. Doherty, OTD, OTR/L; Margaret M. Bursch, OTS
This presentation will explore the unique occupational needs of youth experiencing homelessness and the role of occupational therapy with this population.
- 10/2020
Why Mental Health Matters: Sharing our Stories During the Time of the Pandemic - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Elizabeth Ching, OTD, M.Ed, BSOT, OTR/L
This session was originally conducted with teens to discuss mental health. It includes interactive strategies to build resilience in the time of the pandemic and will be presented exactly as the original teen session.
- 10/2020
Mental Health/Behavioral Health/Wellness
A Family of Veterans: An Introspective View of Intersectionality on Military Culture and Female Soldiers of Color - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Alondra Ammon, MOT, OTR/L
This presentation will provide attendees with greater insight into some of the challenges females of color experience within a military culture through personal reflections from sisters who each served in a different military branch. - 4/2021
Attachment, Trauma, and Mental Illness: Intersections and Implications at the Micro, Meso, and Macro Levels - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Carol Lambdin-Pattavina, OTD, OTR/L
Despite a growing body of evidence that is 50 years in the making, little space is afforded dialogue about and exploration of the intersections between attachment, complex trauma, and illnesses that often bear psychiatric labels in the medicallyoriented psychiatric community that continues to dominate mental health care. Understanding these intersections can shift occupational therapy practice and intervention outcomes at the micro (individual), meso (community), and macro (societal) levels. Participants will gain a better understanding of the implications of insecure attachments on mental illness and explore trauma-sensitive approaches that can foster healing for all clients.- 7/2022
Benefits of a Trauma-Informed Aquatic Wellness Program - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bianca Callier, OTD, OTR/L; Zipporah Brown, OTD, OTR/L
This will be a presentation on the benefits of an aquatic wellness program in an underserved community. Attendees will learn how to incorporate into practice the dynamic and complex concepts of wellness and trauma-informed care approaches.
- 10/2020
Beyond the Medical Model: Seeing Psychosis through a Human Lens - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Elise Blanton-Hubbard, MOT, OTR/L; Twylla Kirchen, PhD, OTR/L, CLA; Christine Linkie, PhD, OTR/L, CPRP
In this session, participants will engage in a discussion related to the importance of understanding psychosis as a human experience rather than through the lens of the medical model. The presenters and facilitator, who are educators and
practitioners, have been a part of the AOTA Psychosis Community of Practice (CoP) for several years and have shared their work at the AOTA Annual Conference. The focus of this discussion will be centered on how best to embed the
human process perspective into occupational therapy practice.- 7/2022
Bringing Sensation to Life in Substance Use Treatment - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jessica De Brun, OTD, MOT, OTR/L; Erin McIntyre, OTD, MA, OTR/L
This presentation will provide an overview of the evolution of traumainformed, sensory-based approaches used in substance use treatment along with an opportunity to engage and explore in the experience of the sensory group process. - 3/2021
Building Bonds to Support Students: Utilizing a Trauma-Informed Approach to School-Based Practice - $35 members/ $45 nonmembers - 3 PDUs
Tessa Milman, OTD, OTR/L; Kimberly Rice Lalezari, OTD, OTR/L, BCP
Practitioners need to be better equipped to provide support to our students. The “pandemic” made this especially clear that we need the tools and to increase our capacity to support our students. This mini-workshop will do just that. - 9/2021
Building and Sustaining Healthy Communities: Understanding the Impact of Racism on Mental Health and Occupational Engagement - $10 members/$20 nonmembers - 0.5 PDUs
Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L - 4/2021
Building Sensory Connections in the Inpatient Psychiatric Setting - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Colleen Carroll, OTR/L
Sensory strategies are inventive, trauma-informed tools. They can help meet the unique needs of individuals with mental illness while decreasing the need for seclusion and restraints in the inpatient psychiatric setting. Come learn how to build sensory connections in the inpatient psychiatric setting.
- 10/2020
Building Stress Resilience in Uncertain Times - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Christy Billock, PhD, OTR/L
Learning Objectives | In the context of COVID-19 pandemic: Articulate the unique perspective of occupational therapy for contextualizing stress resilience. Describe the pillars of lifestyle medicine. Understand the stress response and how stress can be both positive and negative. Explore strategies to build stress resilience in your daily life. Describe the value of setting goals to increase resilience.
- 4/2020
Carrying Our Stories into Mental Health Practice: Anti-Oppression in Occupational Therapy - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Ryan Lavalley, PhD, OTR/L; Karen Park, OTD, OTR/L, BCP
The therapy practitioner and client each bring their own story and lived experience with them to the therapeutic process. Examining these stories informs strategies to redress oppression, both individually and systemically. We will discuss how occupational therapy practitioners can approach this work considering systemic injustice rooted in structures like racism, queerphobia, and sanism, and briefly give participants the opportunity to dialogue about how their own stories can inform their approach to this work.- 5/2023
Cultivating Mindfulness at the Critical Moment - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Rochelle McLaughlin, MS, OTR/L, MBSR, RYT
This workshop will offer tools and practices that enable participants to feel a greater sense of stability, strength, calm, and resilience. Participants will learn to connect to inner resources to promote clarity and effective coping skills.
- 10/2020
Do Cognitive Impairments Affect Readmissions in an Oncology Setting? - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Justin Tran, MA, OTR/L; Sherry Hite, MOT, OTR/L
Presenters will explore standardized cognitive assessments to examine the relationship between cognition, function, and readmissions in acute oncology. Data from a one-year quality improvement study will be discussed to guide interventions and future research.- 10/2021
Environmental Interventions for Dementia Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jenna Mele, OTD, OTR/L, CCM; Morgan Sumner, OTS; Joshua Caiquo, MBA, OTS
Participants will learn what symptoms of dementia can be addressed with environmental modifications and how to integrate them into treatments when working with people living on both the outside and the inside of dementia.- 10/2021
Deepening Your Practice with the Kawa Model - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Heather Javaherian, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Praveen Injeti, BS, MFT, OT/L; Erica Herrera, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
The Kawa Model can be used in many practice settings to elicit patient narratives and provide client-centered care. We will describe the Kawa Model in behavioral health, hand therapy, and community-based settings covering evaluation, intervention, and documentation. - 3/2021
Embodied: Physical Activity as Ends and Means - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Marissa Marchioni, OTD, OTR/L, CEAS; Samantha Valasek, OTD, OTR/L
Physical activity serves an important role in meeting both physical and mental health needs. This session will present interventions that increase engagement in physical activity as an important component of health management, which supports the performance of many occupations.- 10/2021
Enhancing Executive Functioning Skills to Optimize Occupational Performance for Youth with ADHD - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Caroline Hardin, OTD, OTR/L; Kayla Johari, OTS
This presentation will review the functional impact ADHD and executive functioning skill deficits can have on occupational performance for children and youth. The session will review a strengths-based approach to occupation- and client-centered assessment, intervention, and outcomes measures to optimize occupational performance and self-efficacy in the home, community, and school settings.- 10/2021
Evidence-Based Self-Regulation Skills Training for Adolescents and Adults - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Noelle Schorn, MA, OTR/L; Samantha Valasek, OTD, OTR/L, TTS
Improve your understanding of self-regulation as we explore its connection to health behavior and occupational engagement. Learn specific selfregulation strategies and how to develop these skills in your patients to help them achieve their goals. - 3/2021
Exploring Voice-Hearers’ Experience of Romantic and Sexual Relationships - $15 members/$25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Emilio Villavicencio, OTS; Kristen Gottheil, OTS
There is limited research within occupational therapy that explores the impact of occupations with individuals who hear voices. Currently there are no studies that solely focus on romantic and/or sexual relationships with individuals who hear voices. The purpose of this presentation is to address that gap by capturing the experience of romantic and sexual relationships through a qualitative phenomenological study for those who hear voices.
- 4/2020
Heal Thyself: Disability, Pain, Cognitive Flexibility, and Hope - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Aaron Picus, OTD, OTR/L
Drawing upon the presenter’s personal experience, participants will learn ways to support clients facing chronic pain, inflammatory health conditions, and invisible disabilities, focusing on cognitivebehavioral strategies, positioning and activity modifications, and therapeutic use of self.
- 10/2020
IDD and Dementia: Intervention Through Occupation - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Laura Golden, OTD, OTR/L (TX)
This presentation will discuss the signs of dementia specific to individuals with intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) and its impact on function and behavior. The presentation will provide strategies for effective interventions for individuals with IDD co-occurring and dementia. - 3/2021
Implementing Performance-Based Cognitive Assessments in the Hospital Setting - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Amanda Blattman, OTD, OTR/L (AZ); Sara Stephenson, OTD, OTR/L (AZ), BCPR, CBIS
Authors will present results of an occupational therapy-led IRB approved research study. Through understanding the results, attendees will learn the benefits and feasibility of implementing performance-based cognitive assessments to provide more expanded discharge recommendations. - 3/2021
Increased QOL with OT for Formerly Homeless Women - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Aimee Villalpando, OTS, CNS; Gabrielle Romero, OTS; Kim Yan, OTS; Natalie Lodeen, OTS
These presenters will discuss their exploration of the impact of theatrebased mindful occupational therapy interventions on the development of healthy daily routines, nourishing relationships, and an enhanced quality of life (QOL) for formerly homeless women living in permanent supportive housing (PSH). - 3/2021
Introduction to Cultural Responsiveness - $15 members/$25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Elizabeth “Beth” Ching, OTD, M.Ed., BSOT, OTR/L
Occupational therapy as a profession must diversify its workforce to meet the needs of a diverse population. This presentation is an excerpt from a module taught to occupational therapy graduate students to introduce the concept of culturally responsive care. “Cultural Competence” is the language used in many health professions that suggests an end-point; however, “Cultural Responsiveness” is a term used in both the professions of education and health to suggest lifelong learning. The learner will participate in brief activities that explore issues of identity and implicit bias. Reducing health disparities with the goal of health equity for all is the call to all health providers.
- 4/2020
Lifestyle Medicine and Mental Health: An Occupational Therapy Approach - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Christy Billock, PhD, OTR/L, DipACLM; Rachelle Murphy, DHSc, OTR/L
This presentation will highlight how to use a lifestyle medicine approach for maximizing mental health and well-being. Utilizing the six pillars of lifestyle medicine, approaches for individuals, communities, and populations will be discussed.- 10/2021
Lifestyle Medicine and Occupational Therapy: A Natural Fit - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Christy Billock, PhD, OTR/L, DipACLM; Julie Kugel, OTD, OTR/L, DipACLM; Dragana Krpalek, PhD, OTR/L; Heather Javaherian, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
This presentation will introduce lifestyle medicine and how it can enhance occupational participation for prevention and wellness in a range of settings. Participants will learn the pillars of lifestyle medicine and their application in occupational therapy. - 3/2021
Lived Experience - $15 members/$25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Amanda Lipp, Filmmaker | Social Entrepreneur | Speaker
Amanda shares her story from psychiatric hospitalization during college to becoming an entrepreneur and filmmaker in mental health. She challenges people to think “outside the crayon box” of traditional mental health paradigms: from illness to identity, and adversity to opportunity. Amanda will share how drawing with crayons during the hospital led her to recovery and advocacy in mental health. She will also provide insights and clips from the documentary films she makes in NYC and around the U.S. that promote youth mental health programs and research.
- 4/2020
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Introduction to OT’s Role - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Kristin McConnell, MA, OTR/L; Rebecca Cunningham, OTD, OTR/L, MSCS
Attendees will learn about the pathophysiology of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and evidence-based lifestyle interventions to improve quality of life and occupational participation. Improve your understanding of how to assess and apply interventions through clinical case studies.- 10/2021
Mental Health OT for Adults with Intellectual Disability - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Lillian Sun, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will discuss the current literature on the mental health needs and best practices for adults with intellectual disabilities and how that influenced the establishment of occupational therapy services within a multidisciplinary day program to enhance occupational well-being. - 3/2021
Mindfulness and Healing: A Mini-Retreat - $75 members/ $89 nonmembers - 4 PDUs
Rochelle McLaughlin, MS, OTR/L, MBSR, RYT
This webinar will offer evidence-based tools, practices, and techniques that enable participants to gain a greater sense of stability, strength, and resilience. Participants will learn to connect to their own inner resources to promote clarity and effective coping skills.
- 3/2021
Mindfulness for Stress and Resilience or Mindfulness and Healing? - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Rochelle McLaughlin, MS, OTR/L, MBSR, RYT
Evidence-based tools, practices, and techniques will enable participants to feel a greater sense of stability, strength, and resilience. Participants will learn to connect to their inner resources to promote clarity and effective coping skills.- 10/2021
Neurodiversity and Allyship: Fostering a Strengths-Based Perspective - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Linsey Smith, OTD, OTR/L; Kayla Johari, OTS; Jenna Freeman, OTS
This session will discuss why understanding neurodiversity across the lifespan is relevant to occupational therapy. Participants will learn about presuming competence, implementing strengths-based strategies, and how occupational therapy practitioners can be allies to the autism community.
- 10/2020
Occupational Resilience: A New Construct and Its Measurement - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bernard Muriithi, PhD, OTR/L (AZ); Jennifer Muriithi, OTD, OTR/L (AZ)
Occupational resilience is a new construct in occupational therapy. Participants will learn about why the new construct is timely in clinical practice and research. Attendees will practice administration and scoring of the Occupational Resilience Measure. - 3/2021
Occupational Therapy and Intimate Partner Violence: Overcoming Trauma and Finding Meaning - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Heather Javaherian, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects about one in five women and one in seven men. The trauma of violence by an intimate partner has a significant impact on mental health and occupational participation. This presentation will describe the role of occupational therapy in working with survivors of IPV, interventions, as well as challenges to service provision. Implications for advocacy will be discussed.- 7/2022
Occupational Therapy Approaches to Restorative Gardening - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jacqueline Martin, OTR/L; Monica Becerill, MA, OTR/L
This session will explore how occupational therapy practitioners can make use of therapeutic gardens and gardening interventions to promote physical, cognitive, and emotional recovery from illness and disability in the outpatient setting.- 10/2021
Occupational Therapy in Pediatric Mental Health: Dual Diagnoses and Interdisciplinary Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Joyce Yoo, OTD, OTR/L; Emma Wallace, OTD, OTR/L
Attendees will have a chance to explore, learn, and practice clinical occupational engagement with clients with dual diagnoses (mental health diagnoses and developmental disability) and the various factors demonstrating the need for interdisciplinary work. - 3/2021
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Gender-Affirming Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Nora Dixon, MA, OTR/L; Gabriel Carcedo Cravens, OTS
Since gender transitions have no defined beginning or end, transitioning individuals are required to constantly adapt to their context. Occupational therapy practitioners can support these adaptations by analyzing how one’s transition may impact their daily routines. - 10/2021
Optimizing Client Mental Health through Trauma Responsive Occupational Therapy Practice - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Amy Lynch, PhD, OTR/L, TBRI ® Educator, FAOTA
Trauma has a rippling impact upon the habits, roles, and routines of our clients, responsible for instability in mental health and jeopardizing satisfaction in self and occupational engagement. In this keynote, Lynch will discuss the "who, what, where" and why the time is now to put trauma-informed principles at the forefront of our practice.- 7/2022
Panel: How do you incorporate mental health in your practice? - $15 members/ $25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Bryant Edwards, OTD, MA, OTRL, BCP, MPH; Katie Opdycke, MOS, OTR/L; Shelby Surfas, OTD, OTR/L; Ann-English Dillon Weaver, MSOT, OTR/L
This dynamic and diverse panel will answer key questions about incorporating mental health in their practice. - 9/2021
Panel: Occupational Justice for the Unhoused - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Gina Phelps, OTD, OTR/L; Erin McIntyre, OTD, OTR/L; Bianca Doherty, OTD, OTR/L; Robin Martin, OTS
Panelists will share their experiences in providing mental health occupational therapy services to the unhoused population in various community settings. Strategies for how the panelists promoted occupational therapy and partnered with community sites will be shared.
- 4/2021
Peers with Purpose: Young Adult Social Committee - $15 members/ $25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Madison Aguirre, MA, OTR/L
This presentation outlines a needs assessment used to examine the social-emotional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young adults with disabilities. The development of an occupation-based group protocol based on a sample of students who participated will be reviewed. The group protocol incorporates principles of self-determination to enable students to lead their Peers with Purpose Social Committee. - 9/2021
Practicing What We Preach: Wellness Strategies for the Busy OT - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Renee Makin, OTD, OTR/L
This session will provide a refresher of strategies to address and prevent burnout for occupational therapy practitioners.
- 10/2020
Productive Aging and Autism: Emerging OT Practice - $10 members/ $15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L
There is not much literature that relates to productive aging and autism. This presentation will be presented from the perspective of an autistic occupational therapy practitioner in a skilled nursing facility setting on what autistic elderly need to age well.- 10/2021
Promoting Quality of Life Among Adult Spinal Cord Injury Through Community Integration - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Zaina Kholaki, OTS; Lauren Atha, OTS; Kristin Rutledge, OTS; Eanna Munoz-McAdon, OTS
This session will provide a scoping review of Level 1-3 evidence of community integration after a spinal cord injury in improving quality of life. It will include an in-depth review of research objectives, an evaluation tool, humanistic existential, and MOHO Frame of Reference.- 10/2021
Putting on Our People Lens: Lived Experience as Pedagogy - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Tessa Milman, OTD, OTR/L; Celso Delgado, Jr., OTD, OTR/L; Leslie Moren; Guyton Colantuono; John Travers; Maggie Yeo
This session will describe the process and outcomes of an innovative pedagogical design that engaged mental health consumers, experts by experience, to co-lead debriefs with occupational therapy students learning about mental health practice. Qualitative and quantitative outcomes indicated that this course design broadened students’ understanding of mental illness and recovery. Attendees will reflect on opportunities to include experts by experience as mentors or instructors in their own practice contexts.- 5/2023
Role of Occupational Therapy in Street-Based, Homeless Healthcare - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Rachel Kent, OTR/L; Lauren Espinoza, OTD, OTR/L
This session will explore the complex needs of individuals experiencing homelessness and the unique role that occupational therapy plays in addressing these needs on a primary care street-based medicine team in Los Angeles County. - 3/2021
Social-Emotional Learning from a Distance: Tools and Processes for Anytime, Anywhere - $15 members/ $25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Jessica Hannigan, EdD
Our students need social and emotional learning more than ever! How can we determine their needs and where do we begin? This session offers tools and best practice processes for social-emotional learning (SEL) that you can implement immediately in any learning environment. - 9/2021
Social Participation in the Virtual Environment - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Marissa Marchioni, OTD, OTR/L, CEAS; Emma Schiewe, MA, OTR/L
Social participation and communication management of IADLs have grown in complexity as the virtual environment became a prominent part of our lives. During the pandemic, the value of skills for navigating the virtual space became essential.- 10/2021
The Distinct Value of Occupational Therapy in Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Children and Youth in Schools: Making Every Moment Count - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Susan Bazyk, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Professor Emerita, Cleveland State University Founding Director, Every Moment Counts, LLC
The aim of occupational therapy services addressing mental health is to help all individuals develop and maintain positive mental health, prevent mental ill-health, and recover from mental health challenges in order to live full and productive lives. This presentation focuses on occupational therapy’s distinct value in mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention with children and youth in school settings. The relationship between meaningful and enjoyable participation in occupations and positive mental health will be emphasized. Every Moment Counts examples of how to implement occupation-based services within a multi-tiered mental health framework in schools will be provided along with a brief review of website resources. Specific attention to how the pandemic has impacted mental health and occupational therapy’s distinct contributions on interdisciplinary teams will be highlighted. - 9/2021
The Doctoral Capstone: Creating Opportunities for Mutual Partnerships - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Danielle Friberg, OTD, OTR/L; Elise Leizerovich, OTD, OTR/L
The presentation will provide participants with an overview of the entry-level OTD capstone. In addition, participants will develop an understanding of how sites and capstone students can form mutually beneficial partnerships.- 10/2021
The Influences Music Creates in Therapy - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Peg Bledsoe, OTD, OTR/L, BPC, FAOTA
Music is the food for the soul, which creates moods, integration, and health. Occupational therapy practitioners use music to support-influence the rehabilitation of their clients at any age and place and occupation.- 10/2021
The Role of OT in Gun Violence Prevention - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Manisha Sheth, OTD, OTR/L; Sara Macaluso, OTS
Occupational therapy practitioners are uniquely positioned to recognize and address risk factors related to gun violence. The presentation will discuss and share conversations about the role of occupational therapy in preventing gun violence tragedies.
- 10/2020
Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Applications from Mental Health Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Erin McIntyre, OTD, MA, OTR/L; Jessica De Brun, OTD, MOT, OTR/L
This presentation will provide an overview of trauma-informed pedagogy as an essential method of teaching as we facilitate the development of resilient occupational therapy practitioners in the face of global adversity and trauma.- 10/2021
Trauma, Marginalized Intersectional Identities, and Your Occupational Responsibility - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Alaa Abou-Arab, OTD, OTR/L; Nuriya Neumann, MS, OTR/L
This conversation will create a trauma-focused space for learning about experiences and perspectives related to trauma and healing from minoritized and often neglected identities. Panelists will share information about historic and current day attitudes, biases, and systems of oppression that impact engagement in meaningful occupations and access to health and wellness. The focus of this session is to develop and deepen participants' understanding of intersectional identities and their relationship to trauma and health as well as identifying the role of occupational therapy practitioners in mitigating the harm caused to marginalized communities across the lifespan and improving outcomes for all individuals.- 7/2022
Utilizing Therapeutic Use of Self for Treatment Resistant Patients - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Ingrid Leu, OTD, OTR/L; Rodney Harris, COTA/L
As occupational therapy practitioners we all encounter challenging patients, whether it is because they are viewed as “non-compliant” or maybe even “confrontational.” This session aims to provide strategies for working with these treatment resistant patients.- 10/2021
Utilizing Therapeutic Use of Self for Treatment Resistant Patients - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Ingrid Leu, OTD, OTR/L; Rodney Harris, COTA/L
As occupational therapy practitoners we all encounter challenging patients, whether it is because they are viewed as “noncompliant” or maybe even “confrontational.” This session aims to provide strategies for working with these treatment resistant patients. - 3/2021
Weight Management in Mobility–Impaired Adults Through Lifestyle Intervention - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jacqueline Martin, OTR/L; Allison Chu, OTD, OTR/L
Occupational therapy has a unique role to fulfill in the weight management of adults with mobility-related disorders. This session will explore lifestyle intervention for successful weight management with this population.- 10/2021
Older Adults/Geriatrics
Activator® Course for Rehabilitation Professionals - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Mandy Shintani, BScOT, MA(CAN); Randy Siegel, MA, OT/L
Designed by an occupational therapy practitioner, Activator® walking poles are prescribed as best practices in Canada to promote upper body movement, independence, factors related to fall prevention, active living, and as an alternative to canes.
- 10/2020
Assessing and Treating Neurological Vision Impairments for Driving - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Miriam Monahan, OTD, OTR/L, CDRS
Advances in technology have enabled researchers to examine the role of visual-cognitive skills in driving fitness. The presentation will summarize evidence-based assessments and training techniques that can be used in occupational therapy clinical settings. - 10/2021
Driver Rehabilitation: The Process and the Generalist OT as Collaborator - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Purnima Karia, OTR/L, CDRS; Gayle San Marco, OTR/L, CDRS; Miriam Monahan, OTD, OTR/L, CDRS, CDI; Ellen Silverman, OTR/L
Through case studies involving a client with Huntington’s disease and a client post-stroke with homonymous hemianopsia, presenters will illustrate the collaborative role and skills of occupational therapy practitioners towards preparing clients for driver rehabilitation and identifying fitness to drive. - 10/2021
Environmental Interventions for Dementia Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jenna Mele, OTD, OTR/L, CCM; Morgan Sumner, OTS; Joshua Caiquo, MBA, OTS
Participants will learn what symptoms of dementia can be addressed with environmental modifications and how to integrate them into treatments when working with people living on both the outside and the inside of dementia.- 10/2021
Fall Prevention: It's Time to Not Fall Behind - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Beth Sullivan, OTD, OTR/L
This course aims to improve occupational therapy practitioners’ understanding of the complex nature of falls in older adults and to utilize evidence-based interventions to reduce falls for the aging population.
- 10/2020
Feasibility of End-of-Life OT Interventions in Acute Oncology - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Tabitha Lin, MA, OTR/L; Sherry Hite, MOT, OTR/L
Occupational therapy (OT) in end-of-life (EOL) care remains a difficult practice due to various factors, including practitioner-perceived readiness and systematic barriers. This presentation will illuminate evidence-based, feasible
recommendations to optimize OT interventions for EOL care in acute oncology.
- 10/2020
Get-Up-and-Go: Community-Based Fall Prevention for Older Adults - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Deborah Bolding, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Raheema Hemraj, MS, OTR/L; Erinna Poon, MS, OTR/L
Attendees will learn how to evaluate fall risk factors for community-dwelling older adult clients, select evidence-based
interventions for individuals and groups, and practice cognitive-behavioral approaches that support healthy lifestyles.
- 10/2020
Heart to Heart SNF Dementia Volunteer Training Program - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Nhat Hoang, OTS; Kiyomi Kuroda, OTS; Victoria Ramia, OTS; Kelsy Wallance, OTS
A Heart to Heart volunteer training program will improve the quality of life for skilled nursing facility (SNF) residents with dementia by facilitating resident engagement in meaningful occupations. Occupational therapy practitioners will learn how to educate volunteers to simplify activities and use effective communication.
- 10/2020
Improve Balance, Endurance and Confidence – Innovative Use of Evidence-based ACTIVATOR Poles (specialized Nordic walking poles) in Factors Related to Fall Prevention – Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Mandy Shintani, OT (CAN), MA-Gerontology
Outline: Review current Nordic walking and Activator research related to fall prevention; Highlight the positive outcomes of specialized walking poles as an effective option to canes and reduce/delay the use of walkers when appropriate; Review the Activator technique for stability and off-loading; Demonstrate seated and standing exercises for improving strength and balance.
- 4/2020
Innovative Use of Nordic Walking Poles for OT Intervention for Patients with Stroke and Parkinson’s – Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers – 1 PDU
Mandy Shintani, OT (CAN), MA-Gerontology
Specialized Nordic walking poles designed by an occupational therapy practitioner called ACTIVATOR Walking Poles have been prescribed extensively as best practices in Canada to promote upper body movement, independence, active living and as a dynamic alternative to traditional devices such as canes. Walking poles are emerging internationally as a new intervention for neuro rehabilitation with outcomes demonstrated by several randomized control trials (RCT) on Parkinson’s and a recent study on strokes.
- 4/2020
LGBT Seniors: Impact of a Safe Space on Occupation - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Daniel Swiatek, OTD, OTR/L
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) seniors face unique issues related to identity preservation and discrimination not found in other populations of seniors. This current research study sought to understand how a safe space improves their occupational participation.
- 10/2020
Occupational Therapy's Role in Adaptation to Retirement Among an Aging Workforce - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Boguslawa (Bo) Syrotiak, MS, MA, OTR/L
Occupational therapy offers value in the retirement transition for an aging workforce. This presentation will discuss the challenges of transitioning to retirement, and how occupational therapy practitioners could assist retirees living their lives to the fullest.
- 10/2020
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Age-Friendly Healthcare Practices - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Gina Tucker-Roghi, OTD, OTR/L; Precious Dimalanta, OTS
Age-friendly healthcare includes evidence-based geriatric best practices that minimize harm and promote high-quality care for older adults. Occupational therapy has a vital role in addressing the 4Ms of Age-Friendly Care: What Matters, Mentation, Mobility, and Medication.
- 10/2020
Productive Aging and Autism: Emerging OT Practice - $10 members/ $15 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L
There is not much literature that relates to productive aging and autism. This presentation will be presented from the perspective of an autistic occupational therapy practitioner in a skilled nursing facility setting on what autistic elderly need to age well.- 10/2021
The Practitioner’s Conundrum: Client-Centered Care Versus Productivity Expectations - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Negin Zare, PT, DPT, MOT, OTR/L
Client-centered care is integral for desirable therapeutic outcomes. As productivity expectations increase, compromised delivery, moral injury, and practitioner burnout become potential concerns. This session will offer priming, a review of current literature, and discussions encompassing the practitioner's paradox of delivering optimal, ethical care and productivity. - 10/2021
#TheStruggleIsReal: Dealing with Cancer and Its Aftermath in Adolescence - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Joanna James, OT/L, CBIS, CLC, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Kendra King, MA, OTR/L, CBIS, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
This session will explore the ways in which having cancer specifically affects the adolescent population from diagnosis to inpatient hospitalization to the long-term side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. The occupations of adolescents center around the development of identity and the impact of living with cancer presents unique challenges to this population. This lecture will address themes of isolation, body image, sexuality, social media presence, and the physical, psychosocial, and emotional implications of dealing with cancer in the teenage years. - 2/2019
A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Cancer Related Cognitive Impairments - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Sherry M. Hite, MOT, OTR/L
With a growing number of cancer survivors struggling with cognitive impairments it is imperative that occupational therapy practitioners are at the forefront of addressing this potentially debilitating side effect of treatment. This presentation will describe the effects of cancer treatment on cognition and explore a comprehensive approach to evaluation and treatment. - 1/2018
A Comprehensive Approach to Breast Cancer Rehabilitation - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Kayla Wei, OTD, OTR/L, City of Hope National Medical Center
Learn how to address the unique needs of individuals with breast cancer through a comprehensive and holistic approach to treatment. From diagnosis to survivorship, individuals are experiencing a vast number of physical, psychosocial, and cognitive changes that impact occupational performance and quality of life. This presentation will focus on occupational therapy’s role in addressing various challenges across the continuum of care. - 2/2019
A Multipronged Approach to Cancer Related Fatigue - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Priscilla Park, MA, OTR/L, CLT-LANA
Strategies for utilizing occupational therapy’s unique role to help cancer patients’ deal with fatigue and improve their quality of life will be presented. . - 1/2018
Addressing End-of-Life Care and the Occupations Around Death and Dying in Acute Oncology - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Tabitha Lin, OTD, OTR/L
Occupational therapy in end-of-life (EOL) care remains a difficult practice for OTPs due to various factors, including practitioner-perceived readiness and systematic barriers in an acute, multidisciplinary setting. This presentation will illuminate evidence-based, feasible recommendations to optimize occupational therapy interventions for EOL care in acute oncology, and avenues to address moral injury.- 2/2023
Addressing Psychosocial Challenges within Occupational Therapy Practice for Cancer Survivors - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Kathleen Lyons, ScD, OTR/L (VT & NH
This session will explore both the psychosocial challenges and the opportunities for post-traumatic growth that cancer survivors may experience. This session will review screening tools and contemporary guidelines for addressing psychosocial concerns, as well as, explore the ways in which OT practitioners can promote occupational engagement to address psychosocial challenges for cancer survivors. - 1/2022
Addressing the Unmet Needs of the Cancer Caregiver - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Vinita Khanna, MPH, LCSW
This presentation will explore the caregiver’s unmet psychosocial needs throughout the continuum of cancer care. The presenter will review and discuss resources for the patient and caregiver. - 3/2021
Ask the Experts Panel - $5 members/nonmembers - 0.5 PDUs
This was an opportunity to ask questions of all the presenters from the 2021 OT in Oncology Symposium - 2/2021
Body Image and Its Occupational Impact on Cancer Survivors - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Asfia Mohammed, MOT, OTR/L (TX)
Altered body image is commonly reported amongst cancer survivors and can impact an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. It is important to consider the consequences of an altered body image on occupational engagement and quality of life. This presentation will explore the OT practitioner’s role, assessments, and interventions to utilize in practice.
- 2/2021
Building Occupational Therapy Oncology Programs Across the Care Continuum - $15 members/$20 nonmembers - 0.75 PDU
Jennifer B. Hayter, MA, OTW/L, SWC, CLT-LANA
This presentation will discuss the opportunities and processes for developing occupational therapy programs in oncology. As the population of cancer survivors is anticipated to grow from 15 million to 20 million in the next 10 years, there will be significant opportunity for occupational therapy to demonstrate its unique value by developing specialized programming to meet the needs of these survivors. The presenter will address topics such as identifying opportunities, choosing the best programs for your organization, program design, and evaluation and the importance of creating a network. Methods for garnering physician and administrative support will be discussed as well. The presenter will provide examples and lessons learned from her 25 years of experience in oncology rehabilitation. - 1/2018
Cancer Related Lymphedema and Edema: Evaluation and Treatment - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Mahjabeen Hashmi, OTR/L, CLT-LANA, City of Hope National Medical Center.
Lymphedema and edema are common side effects of cancer and its treatment in which fluid builds up in body tissue. These conditions may interfere with one’s ability to engage in daily activities, which is why it is crucial for practicioners to address this issue effectively. This presentation will explore causes, assessments, and intervention techniques to equip practitioners with the tools to assist patients in accomplishing their functional goals. - 2/2019
Coping with Cancer: Psychosocial Interventions Across the Continuum of Cancer Care - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Vanessa M. Yanez, MS, OTR/L
From cancer diagnosis to survivorship, individuals may experience an array of psychosocial problems, which may interfere with participation in life roles and day-to-day activities. Occupational therapy practitioners play an instrumental role in helping individuals manage psychosocial issues associated with cancer and its treatment in order to improve occupational performance. In this presentation, common psychosocial challenges and coping interventions will be reviewed to enhance occupational functioning and quality of life across the cancer care continuum. - 1/2018
Coping with Grief and Loss as We Care for Others in Oncology - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDURev. Jonathan Timothy Stoner, MDiv, BCC
In this session, we will focus on how to care for our hearts and souls as we care for cancer patients and their loved ones. We will also spend a portion of our time together discussing what to say (and what not to say) to someone who is grieving. There will be an interactive portion of the presentation where attendees can give examples of statements from patients and their loved ones they had difficulty responding to. We will discuss possible responses and share strategies for how to be present with patients and their families who are processing a poor prognosis and facing an uncertain future. - 2/2024
Cosmetology’s Supportive Role in Cancer Care - $20 members/$30 nonmembers - 0.75 PDUsCassie Polchow
This presentation will explore the do’s and don’ts of makeup, skincare, scalp care, nail care, and body care products. We will discuss recommendations of products patients may need while going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments and an overview of services and resources available for patients across the continuum of treatment. - 2/2024
Development and Implementation of an Occupation-Based Health Self-Management Program for Cancer Survivors - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Alix Sleight, OTD, PhD, MOT, MPH, OTR/L
Modifiable lifestyle factors like physical activity, alcohol intake, and diet are strongly linked to cancer incidence and mortality. However, rates of adherence to lifestyle recommendations after cancer are consistently low. What causes this disconnect? How can occupational therapy be leveraged to help? In this talk, Sleight will review the characteristics of successful health self-management programs for individuals with chronic conditions and
suggest a risk-stratified approach to improving adherence to lifestyle recommendations in cancer survivorship. Practical advice will be offered for clinicians interested in developing health self-management programs in their own clinics.
- 2/2023
East Meets West: Alternative and Complimentary Exercises for the Oncology Population - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Barbara Brewer, COTA/L, St. Jude Medical Center
This is an interactive learning experience for seated yoga, tai chi, and longevity stick exercises supported by evidencebased research. Practitioners will be able to explore mind/ body exercises and mindfulness practices to decrease pain and fatigue and to promote healing and improve outcomes for the oncology population. - 2/2020
Enhancing Clinical Practice for Sexuality in Oncology - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Sherry M. Hite, MOT, OTR/L, Supervisor, City of Hope National Medical Center; Lynn Kim, OTD, OTR/L, City of Hope National Medical Center; Vanessa Monique Yanez, MS, OTR/L, City of Hope National Medical Center
This session will explore occupational therapy's unique role in addressing all aspects of sexuality, including sexual functioning, body image, and self-esteem, as well as the challenges in clinical practice faced by practitioners across various specialty areas and settings. Presenters will discuss effective training methods to improve staff comfort levels in addressing this sensitive topic with patients and strategies to deliver practical, client-centered interventions of the challenges identified in current practice. - 2/2019
Exercise Recommendations for Patients with Bone Lesions - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Jessica Cheng, MD
This presentation will empower clinicians to safely guide physical activity in patients with bone lesions. Assessment of bone condition, guidelines, and practical recommendations will be discussed in a case-based, interactive format.- 2/2023
Evaluation and Treatment of Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) - $15 members/$20 nonmembers - .75 PDUs
Joanna James, MS, OT/L, CBIS, CLC, SWC; Kendra King, MA, OTR/L, CBIS
Many people who have been treated with chemotherapy complain of neuropathy that interferes with their activities of daily living including work and negatively impacts their overall quality of life. As more aggressive pharmacological agents are developed and survival rates increase in the future, the number of people affected is projected to grow. The purposes of this presentation are 1) to define CIPN; 2) to demonstrate evaluation techniques that focus on the unique characteristics of CIPN; and 3) to present interventions for rehabilitation of CIPN including therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and sensory stimulation. These interventions target the neuromuscular system to promote sensory function. Suggestions for home programs will be included. - 1/2018
Facilitating the New Normal: Pediatric Oncologic OT in Acute Care - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Cynthia Cooper, MFA, MA, OTR/L, CHT
This lecture focuses on the scope of therapeutic interventions by occupational therapy (OT) practitioners in a pediatric acute care oncology setting. We will cover application of OT to children and adolescents/young adults hospitalized and undergoing treatments, the breadth of OT intervention, how to incorporate parents and families into care, and targeting interventions to the specific age groups to promote a sense of normalcy in the middle of an otherwise very abnormal setting. - 1/2018
Fertility and Cancer: Helping Patients Understand Options and Get Access to Care - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Amy Donner, MA, LCSW; Karen Wohlgezogen, RN
This session will focus on the potential impacts of various cancer treatments on fertility and how providers can assist patients in accessing services to understand their fertility risk, fertility preservation options, and family building options across the treatment continuum. We will also share strategies for starting the conversation with patients about fertility and fertility preservation.- 2/2023
Functional Cognition and Occupational Therapy Implications for Individuals Living with Cancer-Related Cognitive Deficits: Current State of the Science - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Robin Newman, OTD, OTR/L (IL), CLT, FAOTA
This presentation will highlight evidence-based conceptual models of cognitive function in cancer survivors and evidence-based approaches to rehabilitation for cancer survivors living with cancerrelated cognitive decline. This presentation will highlight the role of occupational therapy in supporting individuals living with cancer-related cognitive decline.
- 2/2021
Gaining Insight: The Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) Can Enhance Your Oncology Practice - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Patricia Bowyer, EdD, MS, OTR/L (TX), FAOTA
This session will review the concepts of the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) and how OT practitioners can use it with the oncology population to organize and guide thinking. The discussion will include assessments and how occupational identity and occupational competence lead to adaptation and improved participation. - 2/2021
Implementing Nutrition and Physical Activity Recommendations in the Oncology Setting - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Jessica Clague DeHart, PhD, MPH
Good nutrition and consistent physical activity are incredible tools to help cancer survivors increase their overall health and well-being. This session will discuss the importance of nutrition and physical activity, current evidence-based recommendations, and practical strategies to empower patients to adopt these recommendations through setting realistic goals and milestones. - 1/2022
Implications of Pediatric Oncologic Treatment on Mental Health - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDULeNia Goff, OTD, OTR/L
Pediatric cancer survivors face an array of complex challenges and many experience limitations in their functional participation due to mental health impairments. Occupational therapy practitioners play a unique role in addressing the impact of mental health impairments on meaningful activity with restorative and adaptive interventions. This presentation will explore a holistic and patient-centered approach to care as well as the role of occupational therapy in a multidisciplinary team to address the mental health concerns of pediatric cancer survivors. - 2/2024
Management of Cancer Pain: A Lifestyle Redesign® Approach - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Lindsey Reeves, OTD, OTR/L, USC Occupational Therapy Faculty Practice
Learn about Lifestyle Redesign® pain management interventions for cancer-related pain, including treatment of common mental health comorbidities, and understand the process of evaluation, documentation, and billing for this treatment approach. - 2/2019
Managing Cancer as a Chronic Condition: A Lifestyle Redesign® Approach - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Camille Dieterle, OTD, OTR/L
Learn how occupational therapy practitioners can target modifiable risk factors, such as obesity and diabetes, to prevent cancer reoccurrence. Learn skills to increase client motivation and to help clients become more engaged in managing their health and wellness. - 1/2018
Managing Motivation: Strategies to Measure and Improve Volition for Occupational Engagement - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Leanne Seckinger, MS, OTR/L, Huntsman Cancer Hospital, University of Utah Health System
Oncology patients experience role disruptions often leading to decreased engagement. Anxiety and depression related to prognosis, side effects from treatments, and functional changes can directly influence a patients’ volitional level. This presentation will discuss assessments and intervention
strategies to guide the understanding of a patient’s learning readiness, address the timing of interventions that can influence patients to be more involved in their care, and improve the quality of life.
- 2/2020
Managing Sleep Disturbances in Cancer Survivorship - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Jason Tse, OTD, OTR/L
Sleep difficulties are one of the most common sequelae in cancer survivorship. This session will define sleep and each stage of sleep, discuss the prevalence of sleep disturbances in cancer survivors, and explore the causes and effects of sleep disturbances. Practical strategies and ideas for helping cancer survivors overcome sleep disturbances within the scope of OT will be reviewed. - 1/2022
Moving from Loss to Life: Helping Cancer “Survivors” Find Meaning in the In-Between - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Alison Wong, PhD, LMFT; Rachel Koonse, LMFT
The period in between treatment and survivorship is a transition that is often perceived as a time of hope and celebration but can also be characterized by feelings of grief and uncertainty. This session will be an informative discussion on the complex emotional experience of moving from grief to empowerment during this transitional period. Presenters will share an overview of the grief experience through a bio-psycho-social-spiritual lens, provide resources and best practices for supporting patients during this time, and discuss the concept of posttraumatic growth.- 2/2023
Occupational Therapy Practitioners as Transition Navigators for the Childhood Cancer Survivor - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Jessica Sparrow, OTD, OTR/L (TN), BCP
As childhood cancer survivors (CCS) progress through the cancer care continuum, they must also transition through developmental stages, settings, and situations while also managing the acute and long-term effects of cancer treatment. This session will identify risk factors that may be associated with problematic transitions for the CCS, identify key occupational transitions, and describe the role of the OT practitioner in multidisciplinary transition planning for the CCS. - 1/2022
Occupational Therapy’s Role with Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Across the Continuum - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Yasi Amanat, OTD, OTR/L, Keck Hospital of USC; Stacey Morikawa, OTD, OTR/L, Chan Division at USC and Keck Medical Center of USC
This presentation will provide an overview on head and neck cancer diagnosis as well as a general intervention framework used for these patients from diagnosis through survivorship. Evidence-based intervention modules will be introduced to further address patients’ quality of life and participation in meaningful occupations. - 2/2020
Oncologic Considerations in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDUGouri V. Varatkar, PT, MPTh, CAPP
This session will discuss the impact of a variety of cancer diagnoses such as gynecological, bladder, prostate, colo-rectal, and hematological cancers on pelvic health. We will discuss current guidelines for assessment and treatment of cancer-related impairments and barriers to participation that can impact outcomes. Finally, we will outline strategies to improve patient adherence to therapist recommendations. - 2/2024
Optimizing Health Self-Management for Adolescents and Young Adults in Oncology - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Kaitlyn Cruz, OTD, OTR/L, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
This presentation will address the unique, unmet needs of adolescent and young adults diagnosed with cancer and how occupational therapy practitioners can tailor interventions to improve compliance and optimize health outcomes for this population. - 2/2020
Overcoming Barriers to Integrating Palliative and End of Life Care in an Acute Oncology Setting - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Amy Brown, OTD, OTR/L, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center and University of Irvine Medical Center; Dennis Lin, OTD, OTR/L, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
Attendees will gain practical knowledge on how to effectively overcome barriers to provide palliative care in an acute care setting through exploring the role of occupational therapy on a multidisciplinary team in an oncological hospital. Effective ways to address other aspects of palliative care will be reviewed including the needs of the caregiver, timing of services, and how to obtain and sustain referrals. - 2/2020
Return to Work: Interventions Across the Continuum of Cancer Care - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Carolyn Wilson, OTR/L, Kaiser Permanente
This presentation will discuss the occupational therapy practitioner’s unique role in preparing cancer patients to return to work. Understanding the effects of cancer treatment and its possible impact on returning to work, the occupational therapy practitioner has an important role in evaluating, addressing and identifying a patient’s work-related goals, and developing a treatment plan to help patients to successfully return to the work setting. - 2/2020
Returning to Work After Brain Cancer - $30 members/$40 nonmembers - 1.25 PDUsChristina Weyer Jamora, RN, PhD, CBIST
Returning to work after brain cancer can be daunting for many patients and the rehabilitation specialists who help them. This session will review important considerations in the context of work abilities in adults with primary brain cancer. - 2/2024
The Growth of OT in Oncology Care and Projections for New Programming - $10 members/$15 nonmembers - 0.5 PDUs
Amy Barnes, MSOT, OTR/L, Stanford Health Care; Brian Estipona, MS, OTR/L, Stanford Health Care
This session will highlight occupational therapy’s (OT) involvement and the positive impact of OT’s unique role within the oncology population. Emphasis will be placed on advocacy, opportunities to develop the OT caseload, the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, and utilization of standardized tools. Discussion will include the current role and future opportunities to advance occupational therapy practice in oncology, as well as opportunities to understand the patient perspective on the oncology rehabilitative process. - 2/2019
The Impact of OT in Addressing the Unique Needs of Older Adults with Cancer - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Leana Chien, MSN, RN, GNP-BC
Older adults with cancer have unique challenges that can impact care. By determining the care issues, practitioners can develop treatment care plans that can address the specific needs and preferences of the aging patient. The impact and involvement of OT to meet the specialized needs of older adults with cancer will be reviewed. - 1/2022
‘Unlocking’ the Occupational Power of Exercise Across the Cancer Continuum - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Kelley R. Covington, MS, ACSM-CET, CEP
Despite the well-established benefits of exercise across the cancer continuum, 60-90% of survivors are inactive. OT practitioners are uniquely skilled to empower individuals to become and stay active throughout survivorship by leveraging exercise as a means and ends to occupation. - 2/2021
OT Resilience
Mindfulness and Healing: A Mini-Retreat - $75 members/ $89 nonmembers - 4 PDUs
Rochelle McLaughlin, MS, OTR/L, MBSR, RYT
This webinar will offer evidence-based tools, practices, and techniques that enable participants to gain a greater sense of stability, strength, and resilience. Participants will learn to connect to their own inner resources to promote clarity and effective coping skills.
- 3/2021
Navigating Unexpected Change: The Evolution of a Profession - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bailey Zubel, OTD, OTR/L; Heather Kitching, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
COVID-19 altered academic education and practice resulting in a residual shift for Level II Fieldwork that can positively impact the future of the profession. The presenters will review the resultant wins, losses, and forward momentum. - 3/2021
Occupational Resilience: A New Construct and Its Measurement - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bernard Muriithi, PhD, OTR/L (AZ); Jennifer Muriithi, OTD, OTR/L (AZ)
Occupational resilience is a new construct in occupational therapy. Participants will learn about why the new construct is timely in clinical practice and research. Attendees will practice administration and scoring of the Occupational Resilience Measure. - 3/2021
Occupational Therapy Practitioners Support Preparations for Disasters and Emergencies - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Mary Schmitz, OTD, OT/L (AZ); Asha Asher, MA, OTR/L, FAOTA; Catherine Gardner, OTD (NJ), MPA, OT, FAOTA; Susan Skees Hermes, OTD, OTR/L, BCP
There is a distinct role for occupational therapy in disaster planning and preparedness across settings. Culturally-effective safety plans considering individual strengths and challenges, threats, and available supports will be discussed. - 3/2021
OT Practice: Demonstrating Resilience in the Face of Disruption - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Come hear from the leadership of various collaborating WROTSS states on the impact of COVID-19 and how they have demonstrated resilience and are looking to the future in the face of significant disruption. Moderator: Chuck Willmarth, CAE, AOTA Vice President, Health Policy and State Affairs - 3/2021
The River Flows Despite COVID-19: An Occupational Therapy Perspective on Resilience and Hope in the Age of Social Disruption - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Michael Iwama, PhD, MSc, BScOT, BScHP (Massachusetts/USA)
This session will examine the anatomy of social disruption and resilience in the day-to-day realities of occupational therapy practitioners, and how the principles of our practice can inspire hope and a better way forward. - 3/2021
Transforming OT Post-Pandemic: Expanding Practice and Engagement - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Mary Evert, MBA, OTRL, FAOTA, SCD (hon); Tammy Richmond, MS, OTRL, FAOTA
This session will discuss and promote business and service model recommendations to provide occupational therapy practitioners and educators information and tools to transform and expand future practice, education, and research, which responds to post-pandemic needs. - 3/2021
Pediatrics/Early Intervention/School-Based
Acute Care Occupational Therapy Considerations for COVID-19 - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Carnie Lewis, OTD, OTR/L; Kelsey Sena Peterson, OTD, OTR/L, Neuro-IFRAH® Certified
This session will cover the acute care occupational therapy considerations for the COVID-19 pandemic with an overview of the experience of clinicians at an academic medical center. Topics will include experiences throughout the various surges of the virus, treatment planning for individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 from a critical care and medical surgery level, supplemental oxygen management within activities of daily living, public health concerns, and COVID-19 long haul treatment. - 10/2021
An “Alternative-for-Suspension” for 3-Tier Students: Call for OT - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bonnie Nakasuji, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Marilyn Noriega, MA,OTR/L; Amanda Routt, OTD, OTR/L; Maribel Martinez, EDD
This presentation will describe occupational therapy-led programs (including successes and challenges) designed to address first-grade students' behaviors as an “alternative-for-suspension” to prepare them for participation in school curriculum and activities without incident.
- 10/2020
Answering Complex Issues in Pediatric Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Lisa Test, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Bryant Edwards, OTD, MA, OTR/L, BCP, MPH; Mary Hallway, OTR/L, C/NDT; Erna Imperatore Blanche, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
This session will present a structured model for evaluating and planning interventions that incorporate multiple approaches. Practitioners can apply this model when working with specific populations such as cerebral palsy; in specific contexts, such as the school setting. - 10/2021
Application of Cultural Fluidity in Diverse Pediatric Contexts - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jenna Kobara, OTD, OTR/L; Bonnie Nakasuji, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Mariko Yamazaki-Sanchez, OTD, OTR/L
Establishing mutual occupational therapy goals and purposes requires shared understanding and effectual collaboration. Learn how a culturally fluid process supports this effort despite diverse pediatric practice challenges and contexts: home-based (feeding), school-based (behaviors), and international settings (culture). - 10/2021
AT for Students with Significant Disabilities: Classroom Supports and Occupation-Based Interventions - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1.25 PDUs
Katy Rae Mackey, MS, OTR/L
Students with significant disabilities within an alternate curriculum program require dynamic and engaging interventions and strategies to meet their individualize education program (IEP) goals and needs. Furthermore, practitioners can foster learning and engagement using AT within occupation-based interventions and classroom programs.- 9/2022
Bridging Social Justice and Daily Clinical Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Julie Miller, MOT, OTR/L; Mariko Yamazaki-Sanchez, OTD, OTR/L
As occupational therapy practitioners, we support independence and occupation. But we also have a role in recognizing social disparities in access to care, unintended bias, and our role for client advocacy for each client. - 10/2021
Bringing OT to Life for Parents and Caregivers of Toddlers - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Courtney Boitano, OTD, OTR/L, BCBA-D
OT OuTside will share the effectiveness of a 12-week toddler group. The program cultivates caregiver and child well-being engaging with the world around them, sensory, social skills, and how to infuse occupational therapy into daily life.
- 10/2020
Building Blocks for Handwriting: Evidence and Intervention - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Lauren Heflin, MA, OTR/L; Jennifer Dunlop, MOT, OTR/L
During this presentation, attendees will be discussing an evidence-based approach to increasing fine and visual motor skills required for writing and reading. This hands-on presentation will focus on interventions to assist our pediatric population. - 10/2021
Building Bonds to Support Students: Utilizing a Trauma-Informed Approach to School-Based Practice - $35 members/ $45 nonmembers - 3 PDUs
Tessa Milman, OTD, OTR/L; Kimberly Rice Lalezari, OTD, OTR/L, BCP
Practitioners need to be better equipped to provide support to our students. The “pandemic” made this especially clear that we need the tools and to increase our capacity to support our students. This mini-workshop will do just that. - 9/2021
Changing the Face of School OT in California - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jayson Davies, MA, OTR/L; Jaime Spencer, OTR/L
This session will explore the barriers to advancing into leadership positions that are facing OT practitioners. Participants will learn how these barriers impact parity and how to advocate at the local and state level. - 10/2021
Clinic, Home, and School Services Transitioning to Telepractice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Baily Zubel, OTD, OTR/L; Rina Barak, MA, CCC-SLP
This session will cover the clinical insight of cross-disciplinary implementation from in-person to virtual services during the COVID-19 pandemic. A model highlighting the transition and use of multidisciplinary teletherapy services while supporting practitioners will also be provided.
- 10/2020
Clinical Reasoning in the Process of Gathering Information and Designing Intervention Program - $45 members/$59 nonmembers - 3 PDUs
Erna Imperatore Blanche, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
This short course is designed for clinicians who have a basic understanding of sensory processing and wish to enhance the clinical reasoning skills utilized during the assessment and intervention process. Through the use of videos, case studies, and didactic presentation, the participants will learn to organize and interpret the information gathered through standardized assessments, observations, and surveys and link it to participation issues identified in the reason for referral. Once the data has been collected, the participants will learn to plan the intervention using a hypothesis generation organizational model. The participants will have the opportunity to bring their own video cases to practice their skills during the course.
- 9/2020
Core Vocabulary as Part of Everyday Language - $10 members/$15 nonmembers - .5 PDUs
Rebecca Quevedo, MA, CCC-SLP
Core vocabulary is an essential part of any language system, but understanding and implementing this important concept can be difficult. Join us as we discuss core vocabulary and how to get started implementing it across school settings. This session will help you develop a better understanding of core vocabulary and how it is used in everyday language. Language development, as well as how it relates to core vocabulary, will also be discussed as basic augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) modeling concepts that you can apply to everyday therapy sessions.- 9/2022
Creative Approaches to Virtual Therapy in Community Transition Programs - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Erin Schwier, EdD, OTD, OTR/L
Interdisciplinary video lessons and activities for IADLs, social skills, and prevocational skills were developed for adolescents who were not able to access traditional synchronous telehealth sessions to address therapeutic needs. - 10/2021
Curriculum Access Through Technology - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1.25 PDUs
Malika Ferrell, MA; Cynthia Timm, BA
Many of our students are struggling to read and write. How can we provide access for students who are not responding to occupational therapy interventions to improve writing legibility? This miniworkshop will detail some exciting and readily available tools for academic access.- 9/2022
Enhancing Executive Functioning Skills to Optimize Occupational Performance for Youth with ADHD - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Caroline Hardin, OTD, OTR/L; Kayla Johari, OTS
This presentation will review the functional impact ADHD and executive functioning skill deficits can have on occupational performance for children and youth. The session will review a strengths-based approach to occupation- and client-centered assessment, intervention, and outcomes measures to optimize occupational performance and self-efficacy in the home, community, and school settings.- 10/2021
Establishing Occupational Therapy’s Role in Foster Care Hub - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Veerali Juthani, MA, OTR/L; Jennifer Jones, OTD, OTR/L, BCP;
Alya Turcotte, OTD, OTR/L; Jennifer Rafeedie, PsyD; Sheela Rao, MD
This presentation will introduce the current Foster Care Hub and integrated care models, define occupational therapy’s role within the model, and provide case studies and outcome measures to highlight the efficacy of occupational therapy’s unique contribution. - 3/2021
Exploring Roles and Identity through Resiliency - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Celso Delgado, Jr., OTD, OTR/L, BCMH; Tessa Milman, OTD, OTR/L; Elizabeth Zepeda, OTD, OTR/L
This session will review developmental aspects of adolescents and how their engagement in occupations shapes identity and roles. Evidenced-based practices for building resiliency in at-risk environments and trauma-informed care approaches will be highlighted through case studies. - 10/2021
Facilitating Breastfeeding in Infants with Congenital Heart Defects - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Infants with congenital heart defects (CHD) are at high risk for feeding delays. This session will review the systematic approach to providing lactation opportunities at breast that has improved direct breastfeeding for infants with CHD at our center. - 10/2021
Family Style: Focus on Family in Feeding Occupations - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Mariko Yamazaki-Sanchez, OTD, OTR/L; Julie Miller, MOT, OTR/L; Davina Chau, MS, OTR/L
Eating together can bring up big feelings. It may feel heartwarming, nostalgic, triggering, and overwhelming. When supporting feeding goal areas, it is important to focus on family and relationships that surround such a personal occupation. - 10/2021
Functional Vestibulo-Ocular Skills in the School Setting - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Karin Warner, MOT, OTR/L
This session will provide necessary knowledge of how the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) impacts functional ocular motor skills in the school setting. Understanding the VOR helps to ease treatment planning when addressing visual deficits. - 10/2021
Handwriting and RtI– Embed. Collaborate. Measure. Graduate! - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Beverly Moskowitz, DOT, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
The Size Matters Handwriting Program (SMHP) mirrors right-to-left’s demand for accountability. SMHP is proven, adaptable, measurable, and easily tiered. Learn easy strategies to build legibility school-wide, in classrooms, and individually. Learn how to create kid-friendly materials. - 10/2021
Handwriting and Response to Intervention: Embed. Collaborate. Measure. Graduate! - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Beverly Moskowitz, DOT, MS, OTR/L (PA), FAOTA
The Size Matters Handwriting Program (SMHP) mirrors the Response to Intervention (RtI) demand for accountability. SMHP is proven, adaptable, measurable, and easily tiered. Learn easy strategies to build legibility schoolwide, in classrooms and individually. Create kid-friendly materials. - 3/2021
Incorporating Horses in Occupational Therapy - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Antonietta Iannaccone, OTD, OTR/L
What roles can horses have in occupational therapy? What are the differences between hippotherapy and animal-assisted therapy? Come find clarification of terminology and examples from practice for incorporating horses in an occupational therapy treatment context. - 10/2021
Infants At-risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Early Identification and Intervention Studies from the insp!re Lab - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Grace Baranek, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Associate Dean and Chair, USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
This talk will describe approaches and challenges to early identification and intervention for infants who may be at risk for a later diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), highlighting current research from the insp!re lab team. This presentation will showcase the importance of two key developmental domains -- social-communication and sensory reactivity and regulatory functions -- as behavioral markers for early screening in the first year of life, as well as targets of parent-mediated interventions. Video excerpts from the “Parents and Infants Engaged; PIE” study, funded by NICHD, will be used to demonstrate application of these principles in a model program for infants and their caregivers within the context of home activities and routines.
- 9/2020
Interprofessional Collaboration for AT Applications in School-Based Services - $45 members/$60 nonmembers - 2.5 PDUs
Laura Greiss Hess, PhD, OTR/L; Kerrie Lemons Chitwood, PhD, CCC-SLP; Daniel Phillips, MS, CCC-SLP
Assistive technology (AT) is a central feature of the occupational therapy (OT) scope of practice AND is an opportunity for interprofessional collaboration. This keynote session will be co-presented by an interprofessional team of occupational therapy practitioners and speech-language pathologists who have extensive experience in AT applications. Our interprofessional panel will explore case examples, current AT applications, and clinical reasoning for
implementation into school-based services. This session will include an exploration of innovative practice models and interactive opportunities to engage with the presentation materials, content, and presenters.
- 9/2022
Introduction to Sensory Integration: Playing for a Living! - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Michele Alaniz, OTR/L, BCP
Come learn the essentials of sensory integration intervention. This course is a must for those working (or hoping to work) in pediatrics. Take this information into work immediately and provide better sessions for your kiddos. - 10/2021
Keynote: What Is Sensory Integration Anyway? - $45 members/$60 nonmembers - 2.5 PDUs
Erna Blanche, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
This presentation will focus on the impact of sensory integration theory in daily practice and its evolution over the last 30 years. Special attention will be given to the changes in terminology, the evidence that has accumulated on its application to the evaluation of sensory processing disorders, intervention practices, and research methodologies. Special attention will be given to the use of sensory integration treatment and Ayres Sensory Integration® in school-based practice. - 9/2023
Movement and Sensory Strategies for Engagement in Learning - $40 members/$55 nonmembers - 2.25 PDUs
Amanda Cassetta, OTR/L
This presentation will focus on applying movement and learning within all classroom levels and how to track the data for effectiveness through video modeling, case studies, and evidence-based practices. Sensory strategies to improve focus and regulation at the same time without taking time away from teaching or academic instruction will be presented. - 9/2023
Navigating Difficult Conversations with Families of Special Needs Children - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Mary David, PsyD
A supportive and collaborative team is essential to the success of any therapeutic process. This session at the intermediate professional level will address key components for counseling families and/or clients during the duration of their therapies, including: intake, discussing progress, and discharge criteria and timing. These conversations can at times be difficult and require a certain level of counseling skills to navigate various situations. The participants will learn how to actively listen, navigate through difficult information, and increase collaboration with parents. - 3/2021
Occupational Therapy in Pediatric Mental Health: Dual Diagnoses and Interdisciplinary Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Joyce Yoo, OTD, OTR/L; Emma Wallace, OTD, OTR/L
Attendees will have a chance to explore, learn, and practice clinical occupational engagement with clients with dual diagnoses (mental health diagnoses and developmental disability) and the various factors demonstrating the need for interdisciplinary work. - 3/2021
Occupational Therapy in the Foster Care System - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Priya Parekh, OTD, OTR/L (AZ), CEAS
Children in foster care suffer through a myriad of health concerns impacting overall brain development, thereby impeding everyday performance. Occupational therapy practitioners can help optimize their performance and provide an opportunity for greater occupational well-being. - 3/2021
Panel/Ask the Experts Discussion (from 2022 OT in School-Based Symposium) - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
A Student’s Perspective – Savanna Soria, young adult; A Sibling/OT Perspective – Serena Soria, MSOT, OTR/L; A Teacher’s Perspective – Lisa Harring, ATACP; An OT’s Perspective - Libby Trutna, MA, OTR/L, AMPS, ATACP
Learning Objectives: Participants will learn how specialists incorporate assistive technology across occupations and settings. Participants will be able to ask the experts about including assistive technology into the IEP and embedding it in the curriculum.- 9/2022
Panel Discussion: How Is Sensory Integration Applied in the Educational Environment? - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Moderator: Beth Dillin, MOT, OTR/L; Panelists: Emily Dassow, OTR/L; Jo-Ann Vargas, MA, OTR/L; Debra Em Wilson, MA, EdD - 9/2023
Panel: How do you incorporate mental health in your practice? - $15 members/ $25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Bryant Edwards, OTD, MA, OTRL, BCP, MPH; Katie Opdycke, MOS, OTR/L; Shelby Surfas, OTD, OTR/L; Ann-English Dillon Weaver, MSOT, OTR/L
This dynamic and diverse panel will answer key questions about incorporating mental health in their practice. - 9/2021
Peers with Purpose: Young Adult Social Committee - $15 members/ $25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Madison Aguirre, MA, OTR/L
This presentation outlines a needs assessment used to examine the social-emotional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young adults with disabilities. The development of an occupation-based group protocol based on a sample of students who participated will be reviewed. The group protocol incorporates principles of self-determination to enable students to lead their Peers with Purpose Social Committee. - 9/2021
Polyvage Therapy: The Integration into Emotions, Attachment, and Self-Regulation - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers – 1 PDU
Peg Bledsoe, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
The Polyvagal Theory and treatment may have a major impact on how a therapist perceives clients of any age. The discernment is imperative for the current physiological and neurophysiological mechanism to reveal underlying arousal that are associated with sympathetic nervous systems and human responses. Dr. Porges has been researching this topic with focus on understanding the impact on human beings since 1983. He evaluates the various aspects of social modulation, and safe or not safe mechanisms of drive self-modulations. In sensory integration we view modulations issues with the Polyvagal system that Dr. Porges and has discovered major influences on effect the nervous system. The theoretical information provides insight for a therapist regarding the behavioral, attachment, emotional, and Self-Regulation of our clients. The introduction presentation of the Polyvagal theory encompasses structure and theory that support self-regulations. The theory expands on the information to support sensory integration with other perspectives in the clients that we administer too, and even for our own selves for regulation.
- 5/2020
Promoting Self-Determination and Engagement in Meaningful Occupations: Lost & Found Program - $15 members/$25 nonmembers – 1 PDU
Gabriella Hart, Special Education Teacher, Harold L. Woods Elementary School, Clovis Unified School District
The Lost & Found Program at Woods Elementary is operated by 4th through 6th grade students who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The students are responsible for maintaining the lost items (sorting, hanging, folding), managing the Woods lost and found website (numbering the items, taking and uploading pictures of lost items, checking for emails from parents claiming items), and returning items to their owners (finding different rooms across campus, taking items, clearly stating whose item it is, etc.). This presentation will provide participants with information about promoting transition skills with the development and implementation of a lost & found program for students with autism and disabled students.
- 9/2020
Providing Authentic Family-Centered Services: Early Intervention and Telehealth - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Winifred Schultz-Krohn, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, FAOTA; Jerilyn (Gigi) Smith, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Family partnerships are derived from relational and participatory practices. Theoretical models serve as a foundation to understand how early intervention services, provided via telehealth, can enhance family routines while building on family strategies and supports. - 10/2021
Reducing Computer-Related Eye Fatigue for Children During Online Academics - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Stephanie Foster, PhD, OTR/L; Nicole Foster
This workshop will examine the impact of technology use on children following the pandemic in academics and leisure use. Occupational therapy practitioners can help decrease the impact on prolonged screen time on students' vision, attention, and social abilities. - 10/2021
School-Based OT and Best Practices in Special Education - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jennifer Andaya-Lambinicio, EdM, OTR/L, ATP
The presentation will highlight best practices in special education to guide occupational therapy practitioners in redefining their roles, identifying relevant focus areas in working with students with severe disabilities, and facilitating student participation within the natural context.
- 10/2020
School-based Telehealth: Bringing Services to Any Child Anywhere - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Traci Bean, MA, CCC-SLP
Telehealth for school-based occupational therapy (OT) sparks both curiosity and excitement. Learn how online OT is benefitting students. See familiar OT interventions applied in a virtual setting. Explore the research and regulations for effective and compliant teletherapy.
- 10/2018
SEL and Movement: Supporting Students Amidst a Pandemic - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Alice Heebner, OTR/L; Stephen Ferrang, OTR/L
As school-based occupational therapists, we know the importance of movement for health. We will help you go deeper to explore the relationship between Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and movement, providing you with strategies to implement in practice. - 3/2021
Social-Emotional Learning from a Distance: Tools and Processes for Anytime, Anywhere - $15 members/ $25 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Jessica Hannigan, EdD
Our students need social and emotional learning more than ever! How can we determine their needs and where do we begin? This session offers tools and best practice processes for social-emotional learning (SEL) that you can implement immediately in any learning environment. - 9/2021
Steppin’ Up Group Transition Programs: Preparing Adolescents for Life After High School - $22 members/$33 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bonnie Nakasuji, OTD, OTR/L, C/NDT, FAOTA
This presentation will describe the creation and implementation(including successes and challenges) of an occupational therapy-led, transition-group program focused on addressing life and pre-vocational skills for high-risk adolescents.
- 9/2020
Strengths and Challenges of Occupational Therapy Telehealth Services - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Baily Zubel, OTD, OTR/L; Ashley Ko, OTS
Research results regarding the strengths and challenges with telehealth service delivery from the perspective of occupational therapy practitioners working with children with sensory processing impairments in California and implications for occupational therapy services will be presented. - 10/2021
Structured Observations of Sensory Integration-Motor (SOSI-M) and Comprehensive Observations of Proprioception-Revised (COP-R) - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Dominique Kiefer, OTD, OTR/L (FL)
This presentation will focus on the strengths of the SOSI-M and COP-R as assessment tools and outcome measures in school-based practice. Participants will learn how the results provided from the SOSI-M and COP-R, when combined with measurements of participation, answer clinical questions regarding a child’s sensory processing skills and its impact on school functioning. Case studies will be used to understand and interpret the results and connect them to performance in the school environment. - 9/2023
Telehealth Services Strategies for Combining Online and In-Person Visits Post COVID-19 - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal and state governments and the California OT Board implemented multiple waivers and policies allowing practice provisions to telehealth services. Now as the California economy starts to reopen, both providers and consumers will have to navigate how to best continue OT services. This webinar will provide an overview of current technology, administrative and clinical guidelines, and will offer planning strategies for combining in-person visits with online visits.
- 6/2020
Teletherapy in Practice: Connecting, Assessing, Treating,and Coaching - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Kim Barthel, BMR, OT (Canada)
From building therapeutic relationships to figuring out what to do when and how – it is possible to provide quality therapy online. It is different, but it opens doors for many. - 3/2021
The Bayley-4 Scales of Infant Development - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Patrick Moran, PhD (psychologist)
The recently released Bayley-4 Scales of Infant Development will be reviewed. Topics to be discussed include changes to the test design and scoring, administration, interpretation, digital options, and video review and discussion of the new items.
- 10/2020
The Distinct Value of Occupational Therapy in Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Children and Youth in Schools: Making Every Moment Count - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Susan Bazyk, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Professor Emerita, Cleveland State University
Founding Director, Every Moment Counts, LLC
The aim of occupational therapy services addressing mental health is to help all individuals develop and maintain positive mental health, prevent mental ill-health, and recover from mental health challenges in order to live full and productive lives. This presentation focuses on occupational therapy’s distinct value in mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention with children and youth in school settings. The relationship between meaningful and enjoyable participation in occupations and positive mental health will be emphasized. Every Moment Counts examples of how to implement occupation-based services within a multi-tiered mental health framework in schools will be provided along with a brief review of website resources. Specific attention to how the pandemic has impacted mental health and occupational therapy’s distinct contributions on interdisciplinary teams will be highlighted. - 9/2021
Treatment Principles for Remediation of Birth Trauma on Clients - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Peg Bledsoe, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA, BPC; Stephanie Foster, PhD, OTR/L
Birth is an experience that we all go through. When birth is traumatic, the effects can be lifelong. There are evidence-based treatment techniques to support the resolve of birth trauma effects on occupational therapy clients.
- 10/2020
Using the Sensory Processing Measure, Second Edition (SPM-2) in a School-Based Setting - $25 members/$35 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Cheryl Ecker, MA, OTR/L, BCP
The focus of this short course is the use of the SPM-2 (Parham, Ecker, Kuhaneck, Henry, Glennon, 2021) in a school-based setting. This session will include a summary of the changes that occurred when the instrument was updated. The psychometric properties of the SPM-2 support evidence-based practice. Case examples will provide an opportunity to familiarize the user with nuances of interpretation. - 9/2023
Virtual What? Great Ideas for Unique Times - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Kay Rae Mackey, MS, OTR/L, Lead Occupational Therapist, Los Angeles Unified School District; Heleen Reed, MOT, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist, Clovis Community College; Beth Dillin, MOT, OTR/L, Direct of OT Services, The Speech Pathology Group; Ann-English D. Weaver, MSOT, OTR/L, Lead Occupational Therapist, Goodfellow Occupational Therapy
Moderated by Erin Dolin, EdD, OTR/L; Lisa A. Test, OTD, OTR/L
This Town Hall will showcase occupational therapy practitioners from across the state on how they are supporting children and families with COVID-19. Each presenter will provide a 10-minute presentation sharing tips, evidence, and resources. Participants will broaden their awareness of tools and treatment ideas that can readily be incorporated into practice. Learning objectives: Be able to utilize at least two strategies to incorporate into treatment approaches in a virtual session; Be able to articulate evidence to support strategies in a virtual environment.
- 9/2020
Youth Homelessness: An Occupational Therapy Perspective - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Bianca M. Doherty, OTD, OTR/L; Margaret M. Bursch, OTS
This presentation will explore the unique occupational needs of youth experiencing homelessness and the role of occupational therapy with this population.
- 10/2020
Why Mental Health Matters: Sharing our Stories During the Time of the Pandemic - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Elizabeth Ching, OTD, M.Ed, BSOT, OTR/L
This session was originally conducted with teens to discuss mental health. It includes interactive strategies to build resilience in the time of the pandemic and will be presented exactly as the original teen session.
- 10/2020
Physical Disabilities
Activator® Course for Rehabilitation Professionals - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Mandy Shintani, BScOT, MA(CAN); Randy Siegel, MA, OT/L
Designed by an occupational therapy practitioner, Activator® walking poles are prescribed as best practices in Canada to promote upper body movement, independence, factors related to fall prevention, active living, and as an alternative to canes.
- 10/2020
Application of Evidence-Based Interventions for DysphagiaOT - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Winifred Schultz-Krohn, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, FAOTA; Jerilyn "Gigi" Smith, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Evidence-based interventions to address dysphagia will be reviewed with an opportunity to practice selected techniques during the workshop. Pediatric, adult, and geriatric case presentations will illustrate the use of evidence-based intervention approaches for dysphagia.
- 10/2020
Advanced Heart Therapies and the Power of OT - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Sarah Innocenti, OTR/L; Sonia Marchana, OTR/L
Attendees will learn how to justify the value of occupational therapy services in patients with advanced heart therapies. Also included will be hands-on learning and evidence-based research about the most current surgeries, including LVAD (left ventricular assist device).
- 10/2020
Bringing “Life” into End-of-Life Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Karmella Bognot, MS, OTR/L (NV)
An occupational therapy practitioner will describe how working in hospice is a daily practice in being a well-rounded clinician, and how our foundational knowledge, expected out of any entry-level clinician, brings opportunities to bring “life” into the profession. - 3/2021
Cardiopulmonary Management for Individuals with COVID-19 - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jacob Baquir, MHA, OTR/L, CBIS, CSRS
This presentation aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the cardiopulmonary complications affecting individuals with COVID-19 through review of the cardiopulmonary system, COVID-specific cardiopulmonary conditions, medical management, and an outline specific occupational therapy interventions to address these complications.- 10/2021
Concussion Management and Treatment: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Shannon Westerberg, MA, OTR/L; Madison Harris, OTD, MA, OTR/L
To describe the role and demonstrate the value of occupational therapists working on a multidisciplinary concussion care team. To detail evaluation and intervention methods used with this population.
- 4/2020
Establishing Effective Outcomes in a Neurologic Outpatient Rehabilitation Program - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Talent Dang, OTD, OTR/L; Michelle Laforteza, OTD, OTR/L
Outpatient rehabilitation can increase functional skills and self-esteem in stroke recovery. This session will explore outcome measures addressing participation in occupations, physical performance, and quality of life to quantify the benefits of an outpatient program. - 10/2021

Everything Old is New Again: Reminiscence in ADC - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Yvonne Randall, EdD, MHA, OTR/L (NV), FAOTA
Reminiscence is frequently utilized in dementia care through use of tangible prompts to elicit positive memories. This presentation will explore occupational therapy and reminiscence in adult day care (ADC) services. - 3/2021
Experiences from Acute Rehabilitation for Persons with COVID-19 - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jennifer Bashar, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CBIS; Lisa Deshaies, OTR/L, CHT; Heidi Dombish, MS, OTR/L
This session will detail our journey in developing an acute rehabilitation program for this novel and evolving diagnosis at a large county facility. Client cases and data collected over the past year will be highlighted. - 10/2021
Fostering Independent Living Seniors’ Wellness: Occupational Therapy’s Unique Role - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Emily Schulz, PhD, OTR/L (AZ), CFLE, ACUE; Jessica Meyer, MEd, MS, OTR/L (AZ); Arnette Chad, OTS; Lam Linh, OTS
This presentation will examine the level of engagement in meaningful occupations, wellness, and quality of life of seniors moving into independent living at a Life Plan Community and will explain occupational therapy’s unique role in that setting. - 3/2021
Function and Meaning: Clinical Formulation in Occupational Therapy - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Gordon Muir Giles, PhD, DipCOT, OTR/L, FAOTA
Understanding what is important to a client is central to engaging them in the therapeutic process. Gordon Muir Giles, PhD, DipCOT, OTR/L, FAOTA, will describe his professional development and use case descriptions in neurobehavioral rehabilitation to illustrate the importance in facilitating behavior change. Constraints placed on the individual by cognitive changes due to illness or injury also shape how we provide therapy. Understanding what is meaningful to the client, and the client’s functional cognition allow us to individualize our interventions to improve occupational performance.
- 10/2020
Heal Thyself: Disability, Pain, Cognitive Flexibility, and Hope - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Aaron Picus, OTD, OTR/L
Drawing upon the presenter’s personal experience, participants will learn ways to support clients facing chronic pain, inflammatory health conditions, and invisible disabilities, focusing on cognitivebehavioral strategies, positioning and activity modifications, and therapeutic use of self.
- 10/2020
IDD and Dementia: Intervention Through Occupation - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Laura Golden, OTD, OTR/L (TX)
This presentation will discuss the signs of dementia specific to individuals with intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) and its impact on function and behavior. The presentation will provide strategies for effective interventions for individuals with IDD co-occurring and dementia. - 3/2021
Making Functional Cognition Part of Your Practice- $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Gordon Muir Giles, PhD, DipCOT, OTR/L, FAOTA
The evaluation of functional cognition (FC), defined as the ability to use and integrate thinking and performance skills in the performance of complex everyday activities, is a central concern of occupational therapy practitioners’ professional practice. Historically occupational therapy practitioners have had an ambivalent attitude to cognition, but the definition of FC as the cognitive processes necessary for the performance of IADL firmly places FC within the purview of occupational therapy and helps to delineate professional boundaries. This presentation will define FC and describe rapid screening methods and assessments, and how these can be used to inform clinical practice.
- 10/2020
Maneuvering the Minefield: Dating with Congenital Physical Disabilities - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Sheryl Ryan, PhD, OTR/L; Kallie Miller, OTS; Cassie Mingoia, OTS
Dating with congenital physical disabilities is a minefield of complications. Presenters will share results from qualitative research followed by a case study. This session will emphasize the unique barriers to dating and occupational therapy’s vital role.
- 10/2020
Maximizing Recovery: Incomplete SCI and UE Rehabilitation Technology - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jennifer Bashar, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CBIS; Denise Lau, MS, OTR/L
This session will discuss the importance of massed practice in promoting neuromuscular recovery and improved function in the incomplete SCI population during acute inpatient rehabilitation. Current evidence and client case studies will be discussed. - 10/2021
Occupational Therapy and Quality Measures in Long-Term Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Suchitra (Suchi) Iyer, MA, OTR/L; Martin Lee, OTR/L; Lisa Kangas, OTR/L
This presentation will discuss key quality measures pertaining to occupational therapy in skilled nursing facilities and the impact of COVID-19 on the quality measures and the role of occupational therapy in improving outcomes in the elderly population. - 3/2021
Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Role in Treating Myalgic Encephalomyelitis - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Lindsey Edgell, MA, OTR/L; Malia Sako, OTD, OTR/L
This session will discuss how occupational therapy practitioners can support clients with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), in improving occupational participation and quality of life and discuss similarities to post-COVID syndrome. - 10/2021
Oral and Pharyngeal Dysphagia: Conditions and Intervention - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Winifred Schultz-Krohn, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, FAOTA; Jerilyn (Gigi) Smith, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
The anatomy and physiology of oral and pharyngeal phases will be reviewed with evidence describing common problems for both phases of the swallow. Specific interventions will be discussed and applied using case illustrations. - 10/2021
Para Surfing: From Rehabilitation to Competition - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Maureen Johnson, PhD, MS, OT/L, BCPR, C/NDT; Heather David, PT, MPT, EdD
Para surfing has been found to improve self-esteem, increase self-confidence, augment social skills, and amplify fitness. This session will explain various levels of para surfing, equipment, classification, and how to get involved with community organizations. - 10/2021
Promoting Quality of Life Among Adult Spinal Cord Injury Through Community Integration - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Zaina Kholaki, OTS; Lauren Atha, OTS; Kristin Rutledge, OTS; Eanna Munoz-McAdon, OTS
This session will provide a scoping review of Level 1-3 evidence of community integration after a spinal cord injury in improving quality of life. It will include an in-depth review of research objectives, an evaluation tool, humanistic existential, and MOHO Frame of Reference.- 10/2021
Robotics & OT - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Join us for this exciting presentation of robotics within occupational therapy with live demonstrations from two robotic devices, the Obi and Robin the Robot. The Obi, an innovative assistive technology for independent eating, allows those with upper extremity limitations, as seen in ALS, SCI, AMC, CP, MD, MS, and other conditions, to eat with independence instead of relying on a caregiver. Through the use of customizable accessibility switches, Obi allows the user to control what they eat and when! Robin the Robot is a mental health robot that was designed to distract children during times of medical stress and provide them comfort during medical procedures, during their hospital stays, trips to the dentist, or even cheering them on during their occupational therapy sessions. - 2/2024
Role of Indigenously Developed Low Tech Adaptive Device for Dysfunctional Hand, in Restoring Human Occupation: Stories from Manipal, India - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Shovan Saha, BOT, MOT, PhD
In India, there is rapid industrialization and motorization often leading to injuries, which can be musculoskeletal and neurological in nature. The hand function may also be compromised due to degenerative conditions, age-related issues, or birth defects. All these lead to a major impact on an individual’s work capacity, daily living tasks, and leisure pursuits, thereby the negative socio-economic impact. To minimize the negative impact of a dysfunction, the process of conceptualizing, creating, crafting and delivering low technology devices in the form of splints (remedial in nature) and adaptive devices (enabling in nature) is undertaken, facilitating them to meet the requirements of basic and instrumental activities of daily living.- 5/2023
Supporting Recovery from the “Long-Haul” of COVID-19 - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Laura Cox, OTD, OTR/L; Jamie Wilcox, OTD, OTR/L; Ashley Halle, OTD, OTR/L
This session will discuss the symptomology and occupational impact of a new client population: COVID-19 “long-haulers.” The role of occupational therapy in post-COVID care and best practices will be explored. - 10/2021
Telehealth Triage and Injury Prevention in Employee Workplace Health - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the most frequently reported causes of lost or restricted work time. This session will discuss the results of a two-year study of MSD telehealth services in a steel manufacturing company.
- 10/2020
The Distinct Value of OT in Diabetes Care - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Gina Mulanthara, MS, OTR/L
Occupational therapy (OT) practitioners are carving out their role in diabetes care. In this session, participants will learn the essential components of diabetes assessment and gain experience with intervention strategies key to OT intervention in this practice area.
- 10/2020
The OT’s Role in Partial Hand and Finger Prostheses - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Chelsea Welch, MSOP, CO
Did you know finger amputations make up almost one-third of the total amputations in the U.S.? In this presentation, you will learn about the integral role that OT practitioners play in supporting positive patient outcomes using body-driven prostheses.- 10/2021
The Role of OT in the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Manisha Sheth, OTD, OTR/L
This presentation will explain the distinct role occupational therapy practitioners play in various stages of the clinical care pathway, which was developed and followed for Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model.
- 10/2020
The Value of Complementary Techniques Impacts the Practice of Occupational Therapy - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Peg Bledsoe, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA, BPC
Complementary techniques can aid infants to adults in improving their occupational skills. The complementary techniques can assist any individual (pediatrics-geriatrics) with one or multiple disabilities in various settings from home to clinic.
- 10/2020
Uncovering the Importance of Sensation in Sensorimotor Recovery - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Jennifer Chan, OTD, OTR/L
This session will explore the current literature and practices related to the sensory component of neuromotor recovery. Information related to the assessments and best practices of post-stroke will also be covered.
- 10/2020
Vestibular Deficits: Identifying Signs, Symptoms, and Effective Client Treatment - $10 members/$25 nonmembers - 1.25 PDUs
Katie Bell, OTD, OTR/L, CBIST; Will Bernaldo, PT, DPT, NCS
This presentation aims to provide an overview of the vestibular system, describe common causes of dizziness, and discuss treatment options. The goal of this presentation is to provide education on this commonly impacted system so clients can receive the support and services they need. Q&A with presenters included. - 12/2023
Day in the Life - Series #1 - Complimentary members/$5 nonmembers - 1hr
Carnie Lewis, OTD, OTR/L
Lewis serves as clinical faculty at the University of Southern California within Keck Hospital of
USC and Norris Comprehensive Cancer Hospital. With clinical expertise in acute care and
oncology/hematology, join us to see what the day-to-day looks like for an OT in these settings!
Day in the Life - Series #2 - Complimentary members/$5 nonmembers - 1hr 25mins
Briana Pollard, OTD, OTR/L; Zipporah Brown, OTD, OTR/L
Our second installment will be with Briana Pollard, OTD, OTR/L, from CHLA and Zipporah
Brown, OTD, OTR/L, from West Cost University. Polland and Brown will be focusing on mentorship
needs of current Level II students as well as strategies for effective mentorship of students.
Day in the Life - Series #3 - Complimentary members/$5 nonmembers - 1hr
Brittney Weinerth, MS, OTR/L
Weinerth is a pediatric occupational therapy practitioner specializing in the treatment of
children with developmental disabilities. She is the owner of Almaden Valley Children's Therapy
Center (AVCTC), a private pediatric practice that provides services in clinic and for local school
- 5/2021
Day in the Life - Series #4 - Complimentary members/$5 nonmembers -
Jesus Diaz, OTD, OTR/L; Karen Park, OTD, OTR/L, SWC, CLE;
Rhonda Windham, OTD, OTR/L
Diversity Panel - The panel, exploring DEI, cultural humility, and occupational justice, will
speak on occupational therapy practitioners' role to incorporate diversity/equity into their practice and
what that looks like.
- 2/2022
Day in the Life - Series #5 - Complimentary members/$5
nonmembers - 1 hr 30mins
Rashelle Nagata, OTD, OTR/L
Topic: Emerging Setting
- 6/2022
Day in the Life of OT: A Panel of New Practitioners - Complimentary members/$5
nonmembers - 1 hr 30mins
Moderator Erwin Borja, OTD, OTR/L
The transition from occupational therapy student to new practitioner can be fraught with
uncertainty. Students often question: Was my education and fieldwork experience enough to ensure my success as a practitioner? A panel of new practitioners will share their real life experiences and tips to support students in a successful transition.
- 10/2021
Clinic, Home, and School Services Transitioning to Telepractice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Baily Zubel, OTD, OTR/L; Rina Barak, MA, CCC-SLP
This session will cover the clinical insight of cross-disciplinary implementation from in-person to virtual services during the COVID-19 pandemic. A model highlighting the transition and use of multidisciplinary teletherapy services while supporting practitioners will also be provided. - 10/2020
Mentoring OT Students Using Telehealth Interventions - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Michelle Tipton-Burton, MS, OTR/L; Fiona Dunbar, OTS; Jennifer Jeffery, OTS
Telehealth is endorsed by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) but there has been limited use of this service with occupational therapy students. This presentation will discuss how telehealth principles and practices were implemented in a Fieldwork Level I experience. - 10/2020
OT Telehealth COVID–19 and Beyond: Policy Updates, Resources, Tools, and Case Uses - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
The COVID-19 pandemic created significant changes to occupational therapy services. The course will discuss current policy changes, services, resources, and case use examples of newly integrated telehealth services and how we can sustain telehealth. - 10/2020
School-based Telehealth: Bringing Services to Any Child Anywhere - Complimentary members/$15 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Traci Bean, MA, CCC-SLP
Telehealth for school-based occupational therapy (OT) sparks both curiosity and excitement. Learn how online OT is benefitting students. See familiar OT interventions applied in a virtual setting. Explore the research and regulations for effective and compliant teletherapy.
- 10/2018
Telehealth Services Strategies for Combining Online and In-Person Visits Post COVID-19 - Complimentary members/$10 nonmembers - 1 PDU
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal and state governments and the California OT Board implemented multiple waivers and policies allowing practice provisions to telehealth services. Now as the California economy starts to reopen, both providers and consumers will have to navigate how to best continue OT services. This webinar will provide an overview of current technology, administrative and clinical guidelines, and will offer planning strategies for combining in-person visits with online visits.
- 6/2020
Telehealth Triage and Injury Prevention in Employee Workplace Health - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the most frequently reported causes of lost or restricted work time. This session will discuss the results of a two-year study of MSD telehealth services in a steel manufacturing company. - 10/2020
The Benefits of Integrating Telehealth Consultation and Monitoring into your Existing Practice - $19 members/ $29 nonmembers - 1.5 PDUs
Tammy Richmond, MS, OTRL, FAOTA
Remote patient monitoring and telehealth consultation most often are delegated to physician models of care. COVID- 19 brought opportunities for occupational therapy (OT) practitioners to provide these services. This session will discuss how to deploy these OT services. - 10/2020