Occupational Therapy Association of Californa

Advertising & Marketing

We have implemented a new membership management database. Please note that your login has changed. Look for an email in your inbox or spam folder form shannon(at)otaconline.org for your new login credentials. If you experience any issues, please let us know at shannon(at)otaconline.org. We will respond Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.


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OTAC Newsletter

OTAC Is Your One-Stop-Shop to Reach California's Most Influential Occupational Therapy Practitioners

OTAC is your premier and trusted option for communicating your message to thousands of occupational therapy practitioners in the state of California. OTAC offers the following opportunities to support your business development goals:

OTAC Newsletter Advertising - Display and Continuing Education Ads

The 'OTAC Newsletter' is published six times annually. Reach thousands of OT professionals and students in California with this high-quality and informative publication. (Newsletters are also archived on the OTAC website for access by members 24/7.) Ask Shannon about our multiple insertion discounts and months of publication - shannon(at)otaconline.org.

OTAC Advertising Rates
Black and White One x Rate
1/4 page (3 3/4" X 5") $206
1/2 page horizontal (7 1/2" X 5") $300
1/2 page vertical (3 3/4" X 10") $300
Full page ad (7 1/2" X 10") $412

1/4 page (3 3/4" X 5") $319
1/2 page horizontal (7 1/2" X 5") $412
1/2 page vertical (3 3/4" X 10") $412
Full page ad (7 1/2" X 10") $525

Download the order form and rate sheet.

Continuing Education Ads - $56 plus $5 per line

The deadline for submissions is the 1st day of the month prior to the issue you wish to be featured in. For example, the deadline for a March newsletter is February 1st.

Please mail or fax your order form to the information listed on the order form and submit your camera-ready ad by email to shannon(at)otaconline.org

Are you interested in writing an article for the newsletter? Download the Article Submission Guidelines.

OTAC News Banner Advertising

The 'OTAC News' is our electronic communication sent monthly (and sometimes more) to all members with an active e-mail address on file with us. Many of our electronic communications are also distributed to nonmember professionals increasing your distribution significantly. Link your website URL directly to your banner ad.

Banner Size 602px x 108px (maximum) at 72dpi
File Size 15k (maximum)
No looping, animation or audio
Cost $150 for a 1 time run
Download the OTAC News Banner Advertising order form.

Mailing Labels

Take advantage of one of the best resources for direct mail marketing to OT professionals in California! OTAC offers mailing labels that can be rented for one time use and segmented according to geographic area, professional designation, and membership status. Download the order form.

OT Calendar Postings

OTAC offers an OT Calendar of Events for you to post your upcoming OT related events. The calendar is available to everyone who visits the OTAC website and can be viewed 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Download the order form.

Exhibits, Sponsorships, and Conference/Symposium Advertising and Promotions

You can also reach occupational therapy professionals through these opportunities associated with OTAC's Annual Conference (October) and the Spring Symposium (March or April). Visit the OTAC Annual Conference page for the prospectus. Visit the Spring Symposium page for the prospectus.

Website Banner Ads

Every visitor to our website will see your website banner ad and with one click be directed to your website. Download the order form.